Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master : Laurent Busé, Geometric Modeling, 27h ETD, M2, EPU of the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis.
Master 2: Bernard Mourrain, Symbolic-Numeric Computation, 6h, Master ACSYON, Limoges.
PhD in progress: Evangelos Anagnostopoulos, Geometric algorithms for massive data, LAMBDA Marie Skłodowska-Curie RISE Network, started in September 2016, supervised by Ioannis Emiris.
PhD in progress: Ahmed Blidia, New geometric models for the design and computation of complex shapes. ARCADES Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN, started in September 2016, supervised by Bernard Mourrain.
PhD in progress: Apostolos Chalkis, Sampling in high-dimensional convex regions, started in June 2018, supervised by Ioannis Emiris.
PhD in progress: Emmanouil Christoforou, Geometric approximation algorithms for clustering, Bioinformatics scholarship, started in January 2018, supervised by Ioannis Emiris.
PhD in progress: Alvaro-Javier Fuentes-Suàrez, Skeleton-based modeling of smooth shapes. ARCADES Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN, started in October 2016, supervised by Evelyne Hubert.
PhD: Jouhayna Harmouch, Low rank structured matrix decomposition and applications. Cotutelle Univ. Liban, cosupervised by Houssam Khalil, Mustapha Jazar and Bernard Mourrain. Defended in December.
PhD in progress: Rima Khouja, Tensor decomposition, best approximations, algorithms and applications. Cotutelle Univ. Liban, started in November 2018, cosupervised by Houssam Khalil and Bernard Mourrain.
PhD in progress: Evangelos Bartzos, Algebraic elimination and Distance graphs. ARCADES Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN, started in June 2016, supervised by Ioannis Emiris.
PhD in progress: Clément Laroche, Algebraic representations of geometric objects. ARCADES Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN, started in November 2016, supervised by Ioannis Emiris.
PhD in progress: Ioannis Psarros, Dimensionality reduction and Geometric search, Greek scholarship foundation, started in Sep. 2015, supervised by Ioannis Emiris.
PhD in progress: Erick David Rodriguez Bazan, Symmetry preserving algebraic computation. CORDI Inria SAM, started in November 2017, supervised by Evelyne Hubert.
PhD in progress: Fatmanur Yildirim, Distances between points, rational Bézier curves and surfaces by means of matrix-based implicit representations. ARCADES Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN, started in October 2016, supervised by Laurent Busé.
L. Busé was a member of the committee of the PhD of Rémi Bignalet-Cazalet entitled Géométrie de la projectivisation des idéaux et applications aux problèmes de birationalité, University Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Dijon, France, October 24th.
I. Emiris was a member of two 3-person supervisory committees of PhD students Anuj Sharma and Emmanouil Kamarianakis, who defended their theses in December 2018, at NK University of Athens, and University of Crete, Greece, respectively.
E. Hubert was a member of the PhD committee of Timothé Pecatte from Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, section informatique : Bornes Inférieures et Algorithmes de Reconstruction pour des Sommes de Puissances Affines.