Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of Organizing Committees
Scientific Events Selection
Member of Conference Program Committees
M. Clerc serves several international conferences (ISBI, ICASSP, IEEE EMBS, IEEE NER).
R. Deriche serves several international conferences (ISBI, MICCAI, ISMRM, ...) and international workshops (CD-MRI Miccai, MFCA Miccai...).
T. Papadopoulo serves several international conferences (ICIP, ISBI, ICASSP, VISAPP).
Member of Editorial Boards
M. Clerc is member of the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Neural Engineering, and of the journal Neurons, Behavior, Data and Theory.
R. Deriche is member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Neural Engineering, editorial board member at Springer for the book series entitled Computational Imaging and Vision and member of the Editorial Board of the Medical Image Analysis Journal
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
M. Clerc serves several international journals (Journal of Neural Engineering, NeuroImage, Physics in Medicine and Biology).
R. Deriche serves several international journals (NeuroImage, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Medical Image Analysis Journal, ...).
T. Papadopoulo serves several international journals (IEEE access, Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Frontiers in Neuroscience, Brain Topography, Transactions on Biomedical Engneering).
Invited Talks
M. Clerc gave an invited talk at the ICM Colloquium, Paris, January 15, 2018.
M. Clerc gave an invited talk at the ENS Data Science Colloquium, Paris, February 6, 2018.
M. Clerc gave an invited talk at the SIAM Symposium on Imaging Sciences, Bologna, June 6, 2018.
M. Clerc gave an invited talk at the Journées Scientifiques Inria, Bordeaux, June 27, 2018.
M. Clerc gave an invited talk at the Colloque “Physique et Interrogations Fondamentales”, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, Nov 10, 2018.
M. Clerc gave an invited talk at the “Journées des Jeunes Mathématiciens et Jeunes Mathématiciennes”, Orléans, Nov 29, 2018.
R. Deriche gave an invited keynote speech at SPIE Medical Imaging,Houston, Texas United States (Feb. 12th, 2018).
R. Deriche gave an invited keynote speech at EDITE ParisTech-Sorbonne Université, Paris (Dec. 10th, 2018).
T. Papadopoulo gave an invited talk at “Inverse Problems: Modelling and Simulation”, Malta (May, 2018) [20].
Leadership within the Scientific Community
M. Clerc is the coordinator of the Inria Project-Lab BCI-LIFT.
M. Clerc is on the board of the CORTICO association (Collectif pour la Recherche Transdisciplinaire sur les Interfaces Cerveau Ordinateur).
Scientific Expertise
M. Clerc served Cordis-H2020 for FET-OPEN prosals evaluations.
M. Clerc participated in an HCERES visiting commitee in November 2018 (CentraleSupélec).
R. Deriche serves several international institutions in reviewing applications : ERC Grants, Swiss National Science Foundation, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
T. Papadopoulo served Cordis-H2020 for FET-OPEN prosals evaluations.
Research Administration
M. Clerc was adjoint deputy director for Science of Inria Sophia Antipolis (until August 2018).
M. Clerc was member of the Evaluation Committee of Inria (until August 2018).
M. Clerc was member of the Commission Scientifique Interne of Inria (until August 2018).
M. Clerc was vice-president of the CRCN Selection Committee in Inria Sophia Antipolis.
M. Clerc was a member of the CRCN Selection Committee in Inria Grenoble.
M. Clerc is member of the Scientific Council of Academy 4 of Université Côte d'Azur.
M. Clerc is co-animator of a structuring program on Neurosciences at Université Côte d'Azur.
R. Deriche is member of the Academic Council of UCA (Université Côte d'Azur).
R. Deriche is member of the Scientific Council of Academy 2 Complex Systems, Université Côte d'Azur and member of the Scientific Council of Olea Medical Company (
T. Papadopoulo represents Inria at the Administration Council of the CIU Santé (till July 2018).
T. Papadopoulo is member of the Software Development Committee at Inria.