Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Inria Project Lab


Participants : Maureen Clerc, Théodore Papadopoulo, Nathalie Gayraud, Federica Turi, Romain Lacroix.

Duration: January 2015 to December 2018

The Inria Project-Lab BCI-LIFT is an Inria-funded reasearch consortium to foster collaborative research on Brain-Computer Interfaces on the topic of Learning, Interaction, Feedback and Training. It is coordinated by Maureen Clerc. Its members are from 6 Inria teams: Athena , Camin , Hybrid , Mjolnir , Neurosys , Potioc , and from Dycog team from CRNL Lyon, and University of Rouen. The goal is to reach a next generation of non-invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), more specifically BCI that are easier to appropriate, more efficient, and suit a larger number of people. For more information, refer to the BCI-LIFT website.


ANR NeuroRef

Participants : Demian Wassermann [Inria Parietal] , Antonia Machlouziredes, Guillermo Gallardo Diez, Rachid Deriche.

Duration: October 2016 to September 2019

Call: NSF-ANR Program Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience 2015

This project is a collaboration with Pr. S. Bouix and his team at the Psychiatry NeuroImaging Lab, Dept of Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School (USA) to build MRI reference atlases to analyze brain trauma and post-traumatic stress. The goal is to develop a robust framework to perform subject-specific neuroimaging analyses of Diffusion MRI (dMRI), as this modality has shown excellent sensitivity to brain injuries and can locate subtle brain abnormalities that are not detected using routine clinical neuroradiological readings.


Participants : Rachid Deriche, Abib Olushola Yessouffou Alimi, Rutger Fick [TheraPanacea, Paris] , Demian Wassermann [Inria Parietal] , Théodore Papadopoulo.

Duration: October 2013 to September 2018

Call: ANR Numerical Models 2013

This ANR project is about multimodal and multiscale modelling and simulation of the fiber architecture of the human heart. It started on October 2013 and involves three partners: Creatis Team, INSA, Lyon (I. Magnin, Y. Zhu); TIMC-IMAG, CNRS, Grenoble (Y. Uson) and the Athena project team.

It consists in modelling and simulating the ex vivo and in vivo 3D fiber architectures at various scales using multiphysical data from different imaging modalities working at different spatial resolutions. To this end, the myocardium of the human heart will be imaged using respectively Polarized Light Imaging (PLI) and dMRI.


Participants : Théodore Papadopoulo, Maureen Clerc, Rachid Deriche, Demian Wassermann [Inria Parietal] .

Duration: February 2014 to February 2019

Call:ANR Programme de Recherche Translationnelle en Santé (PRTS) 2013

The VIBRATIONS project proposes to simulate in a biologically realistic way MEG and EEG fields produced by different configurations of brain sources, which will differ in terms of spatial and dynamic characteristics. The research hypothesis is that computational and biophysical models can bring crucial information to clinically interpret the signals measured by MEG and EEG. In particular, they can help to efficiently address some complementary questions faced by epileptologists when analyzing electrophysiological data.


ADT BCI-Browser

Participants : Théodore Papadopoulo, Maureen Clerc.

Duration: 1 year

Most often, BCI techniques are demonstrated in simple toy applications made. The only "few" real BCI applications are specific developments and are not used much as they lack of functionality, maintenance, .... The goal of this development contract is to demonstrate a new approach to BCI, in which BCI interactions are integrated in existing applications. Ideally, the original software is not modified and not even recompiled. It is modified by providing either modified GUI libraries or providing extensions as plugins. As a proof of concept, we aim at modifying C++/Qt applications with a focus on web browsing, by redefining some of its basic interactions (mouse clicks, keyboard, ...) using some BCI components. In this manner, it might be possible to drive standard and state-of-the-art application using BCI and at a limited maintenance cost.

This contract is part of the AMDT initiative.


Participants : Théodore Papadopoulo, Juliette Leblond [FACTAS project-team] , Jean-Paul Marmorat [CMA Ecole des Mines Paritech] .

Duration: 6 months.

This contract is a follow-up of ADT BOLIS which aimed at building a sofware platform dedicated to inverse source localisation, building upon the elements of software found in FindSources3D. The platform is modular, ergonomic, accessible and interactive and offers a detailed visualisation of the processing steps and the results. Its goal is to provide a convenient graphical interface and a tool that can be easily distributed and used by professionals (target audience: clinicians and researchers). BOLIS 2 aims at simplifying some maintenance aspects of the software.

This contract is part of the AMDT initiative.


Participants : Théodore Papadopoulo, Maureen Clerc, Kostiantyn Maksymenko, Alexandre Gramfort [PARIETAL] , Joan Massich [PARIETAL] .

Duration: 24 months.

The OpenMEEG ADT aims at improving OpenMEEG along 3 main directions:

  1. Offer a user interface for the creation and verification of head models most importantly for a simpler management of non-nested head models.

  2. Improve the Python interface (extension and reliability). This will also be useful to develop new research axes (in connection with point 3).

  3. Enrich the available operators and refactor the code to offer new possibilities in OpenMEEG and reduce the cost of maintenance.

In addition to the expected gains in code maintenance, these improvements will allow a number of new – more sophisticated – applications as well as open OpenMEEG to a larger audience with a simplified interface for classical use-cases.

This contract is part of the AMDT initiative.