Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
G. Scovazzi, Professor at Duke University (Durham, NC), has visited Mario Ricchiuto in January and in June 2018 to work on high order embedded methods
Aron Roland, CEO of BGS IT&E (Information Technology & Engineering) has visited Mario Ricchiuto in February 2018 to work on the simulation of flash floods
Nicolas Perinet, Postdoctoral fellow at University of Chile has visited Mario Ricchiuto to work on the benchmarking of the SLOWS CODE. From Jul 2018 until Sep 2018
Tatsuya Watanabe, Professor at Kyoto Sangyo University has visited Mathieu Collin to work on Born-Infeld theory in March 2018.
Francois Morency, Professeur at Ecole de Technologie Supérieure de Montréal has visited Héloïse Beaugendre to work on aircraft icing, roughness modeling and performance degradation, on Jul 2018 and from Sep to Dec 2018