Section: Research Program
Coupled approximation/adaptation in parameter and physical space
As already remarked, classical methods for uncertainty quantification are affected by the so-called Curse-of-Dimensionality. Adaptive approaches proposed so far, are limited in terms of efficiency, or of accuracy. Our aim here is to develop methods and algorithms permitting a very high-fidelity simulation in the physical and in the stochastic space at the same time. We will focus on both non-intrusive and intrusive approaches.
Simple non-intrusive techniques to reduce the overall cost of simulations under uncertainty will be based on adaptive quadrature in stochastic space with mesh adaptation in physical space using error monitors related to the variance of to the sensitivities obtained e.g. by an ANOVA decomposition. For steady state problems, remeshing using metric techniques is enough. For time dependent problems both mesh deformation and re-meshing techniques will be used. This approach may be easily used in multiple space dimensions to minimize the overall cost of model evaluations by using high order moments of the properly chosen output functional for the adaptation (as in optimization). Also, for high order curved meshes, the use of high order moments and sensitivities issued from the UQ method or optimization provides a viable solution to the lack of error estimators for high order schemes.
Despite the coupling between stochastic and physical space, this approach can be made massively parallel by means of extrapolation/interpolation techniques for the high order moments, in time and on a reference mesh, guaranteeing the complete independence of deterministic simulations. This approach has the additional advantage of being feasible for several different application codes due to its non-intrusive character.
To improve on the accuracy of the above methods, intrusive approaches will also be studied. To propagate uncertainties in stochastic differential equations, we will use Harten's multiresolution framework, following [46]. This framework allows a reduction of the dimensionality of the discrete space of function representation, defined in a proper stochastic space. This reduction allows a reduction of the number of explicit evaluations required to represent the function, and thus a gain in efficiency. Moreover, multiresolution analysis offers a natural tool to investigate the local regularity of a function and can be employed to build an efficient refinement strategy, and also provides a procedure to refine/coarsen the stochastic space for unsteady problems. This strategy should allow to capture and follow all types of flow structures, and, as proposed in [46], allows to formulate a non-linear scheme in terms of compression capabilities, which should allow to handle non-smooth problems. The potential of the method also relies on its moderate intrusive behaviour, compared to e.g. spectral Galerkin projection, where a theoretical manipulation of the original system is needed.
Several activities are planned to generalize our initial work, and to apply it to complex flows in multiple (space) dimensions and with many uncertain parameters.
The first is the improvement of the efficiency. This may be achieved by means of anisotropic mesh refinement, and by experimenting with a strong parallelization of the method. Concerning the first point, we will investigate several anisotropic refinement criteria existing in literature (also in the UQ framework), starting with those already used in the team to adapt the physical grid. Concerning the implementation, the scheme formulated in [46] is conceived to be highly parallel due to the external cycle on the number of dimensions in the space of uncertain parameters. In principle, a number of parallel threads equal to the number of spatial cells could be employed. The scheme should be developed and tested for treating unsteady and discontinuous probability density function, and correlated random variables. Both the compression capabilities and the accuracy of the scheme (in the stochastic space) should be enhanced with a high-order multidimensional conservative and non-oscillatory polynomial reconstruction (ENO/WENO).
Another main objective is related to the use of multiresolution in both physical and stochastic space. This requires a careful handling of data and an updated definition of the wavelet. Until now, only a weak coupling has been performed, since the number of points in the stochastic space varies according to the physical space, but the number of points in the physical space remains unchanged. Several works exist on the multiresolution approach for image compression, but this could be the first time i in which this kind of approach would be applied at the same time in the two spaces with an unsteady procedure for refinement (and coarsening). The experimental code developed using these technologies will have to fully exploit the processing capabilities of modern massively parallel architectures, since there is a unique mesh to handle in the coupled physical/stochastic space.