Section: New Software and Platforms
Keywords: Optimizing compiler - Formal methods - Proof assistant - SSA
Functional Description: CompcertSSA is built on top of the Compcert verified C compiler, by adding a middle-end based on the SSA form (Static Single Assignment) : conversion to SSA, SSA-based optimizations, and destruction of SSA.
Participants: Sandrine Blazy, Delphine Demange, Yon Fernandez De Retana, David Pichardie and Leo Stefanesco
Publications: Mechanizing conventional SSA for a verified destruction with coalescing - Validating Dominator Trees for a Fast, Verified Dominance Test - A Formally Verified SSA-based Middle-end - Formal Verification of an SSA-based Middle-end for CompCert - Verifying Fast and Sparse SSA-based Optimizations in Coq.