Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair

Jean-Louis Lanet served as general chair of the 13rd International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems CRiSIS 2018, Bordeaux France and general chair of the 11th International Conference on Information Technology and Communication Security, Bucharest, Romania,

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • Christophe Bidan served as a member of the organization committee of C&ESAR 2018 (25rd Computers & Electronics Security Applications Rendez-vous), November 2018, Rennes, France.

  • Frédéric Tronel served as a member of the organization committee of SSTIC 2018 (Symposium sur la sécurité des technologies de l'information et des communications) that took place in Rennes, France in June, where it gathered more than 600 participants.

  • Gilles Guette served as a member of the organization committee of InOut18, annual event on new mobility that took place in Rennes, France in March.

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees

Eric Totel chaired the Program Committee of the 2018 French conference RESSI (Rendez-Vous de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information).

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • Frédéric Tronel and Valérie Viet Triem Tong served as a member of the program committee of SSTIC 2017 (Symposium sur la sécurité des technologies de l'information et des communications) June 2018, Rennes, France.

  • Valérie Viet Triem Tong served as a member of the program committee of SECITC (International conference on Information Technology and Communications Security), october 2018, Bucharest, Romania.

  • Jean-François Lalande served as a member of the program committee of the international conferences CECC 2018, IEEE AINS 2018, IEEE HPCS 2018 and of the international workshops SHPCS 2018, IWCC 2018, CUING 2018, BioSTAR 2018, WTMC 2018, DACSW 2018.

  • Michel Hurfin acts as a member of the program committee of the African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (CARI 2018), South Africa, October 2018.

  • Emmanuelle Anceaume served as a member of the program committee of the following international conferences: ICDCN 2018, NCA 2018 CryBlock 2018, DEBS 2018, PEC 2018, BSCT 2018, and ADSN 2018.

  • Ludovic Mé served as a member of the 2018 MSPN (International Conference on Mobile, Secure and Programmable Networking) and CARI (Colloque Africain sur la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées 2018) program Committees.

  • Guillaume Piolle served as a member of the 2018 APVP (Atelier sur la Protection de la Vie Privée) and EGC-IA (Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances - Intelligence Artificielle) program committees.

  • Gilles Guette served as a member of the program committee of the International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, ICISSP 2018.

  • Valérie Viet Triem Tong served as a reviewer for the African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, October 2018, South Africa, Stellenbosch.

  • Jean-François Lalande served as a reviewer for ICISSP 2018, APVP 2018.


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Jean-François Lalande served as a member of the editorial board of IARIA International Journal on Advances in Security.

  • Michel Hurfin serves as a member of the editorial board of the JISA Journal (Journal of Internet Services and Applications - Springer).

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Jean-François Lalande served as a reviewer for Journal of Universal Computer Science, Elsevier FGCS, IEEE TIFS, MDPI Future Internet, MDPI Sensors, Elsevier Computer Commmunications.

  • Michel Hurfin served as a reviewer for the IEEE TDSC Journal (Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing), the Springer TOCS Journal (Theory of Computing Systems), and the Taylor & Francis International Journal of Control.

  • Emmanuelle Anceaume served as a reviewer of the following journals: IEEE TPDS, and ACM TAAS.

  • Jean Louis Lanet served as reviewer for the Journal of Computer Security.

  • Guillaume Piolle served as a reviewer for the RIA (Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle) journal.

  • Guillaume Hiet served as a reviewer for the Journal of Computer Security.

  • Gilles Guette served as a reviewer for the IEEE JSAC-SI-NETSOFT-ENABLERS and for the IEEE Networking Letters.

Invited Talks

  • Emmanuelle Anceaume gave several talks:

    • UTXOs as a proof of membership for Byzantine Agreement based Cryptocurrencies during the National Days of the pre-GDR on security, june 2018.

    • Beyond the block: A lego blockumentary during “Journées scientifiques de l'Inria”.

    • Sycomore, a Directed Acyclic Graph of Blocks, Chain-in conference, Porto, Portugal, July 2018, [6], also on Youtube “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLW-iHjsWo0”.

  • Valérie Viet Triem Tong gives a talk about information flow monitoring at the operating system level during the National Days of the pre-GDR on security, june 2018.

  • Jean-François Lalande was invited as keynote speaker at SecITC'2018 [7].

  • Jean-François Lalande was an invited speaker of the workshop SHPCS 2018 [8].

  • Guillaume Piolle was an invited speaker at the Surveillance Resilience, & Privacy conference (Paris, December 2018).

Scientific Expertise

Ludovic Mé has served the Scientific Council of the LIRIMA (Laboratoire International de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées).

Ludovic Mé has chaired the group of experts dedicated to the evaluation of the security of French computer science research labs (PPST S/C 7).

Ludovic Mé has chaired the Steering Committee of the annual French conference RESSI (Rendez-Vous de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information).

Eric Totel has served the Steering Committee of the annual French conference RESSI (Rendez-Vous de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information).

Valérie Viet Triem Tong has participated in the scientific evaluation comity Global Security and Cybersecurity (CES 39) of the French Research Agency (ANR).

Research Administration

Ludovic Mé acts as Scientific Officer for the Rennes - Bretagne Atlantic Inria Research Center. As such, he is also a member of the Evaluation Commission and of the Internal Scientific Council of Inria.

Ludovic Mé was the president of a recruitment committee for an assistant professor position at the CNAM (Conservatoire national des arts et métier, Paris). He also served a recruitment committee for an assistant professor position at CentraleSupélec, Rennes.

Valérie Viet Triem Tong was a member of a recruitment committee for an assistant professor position at CentraleSupélec, Rennes.