Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Grants with Industry
ANSSI: Security of Low-level Components Thomas Letan has started his PhD thesis in the context of a contract between CentraleSupelec and the French National Computer Security Agency (ANSSI). His work consists in using formal methods to specify hardware/software security mechanisms and to verify that they correctly enforce some security policies.
DGA: Visualization for security events monitoring Damien Crémilleux has started his PhD thesis in October 2015 in the context of a cooperation with DGA-MI. The subject of the PhD is to define relevant representations to allow front-line security operators to monitors systems from a security perspective. A first proposal was made that led to a tool, VEGAS, that allows to monitor large quantities of alerts in real time and to dispatch these alerts in a relevant way to security analysts.
DGA: Intrusion Detection in Distributed Applications David Lanoé has started his PhD thesis in October 2016 in the context of a cooperation with DGA-MI. His work is focussing on the construction of behavioral models (during a learning phase) and their use to detect intrusions during an execution of the modelled distributed application.
DGA: Protection against fuzzing attack Aurelien Palisse has started his PhD in October 2015 in the context of a cooperation with DGA-MI. The subject of the PhD is to propose a detection mechanism and a mitigation procedure to counter ransomware attacks. He designed a low cost Windows driver that use a Markov chain as a model for an anomaly detection system. The technology has been patented by both Inria and DGA.
Idemia: Hardware Security for Embeded Devices Kevin Bukasa has started his PhD in January 2016 in a bilateral contract between Inria and Idemia. He explored fault injection attacks using EM probes on two different kind of devices: microcontroller (representing IoT) and SoC (representing Smart phone). He demonstrated the vulnerability of both architectures on this kind of attack. On IoT device he has developped an attack allowing to take a full control on the device. He discovered also new fault attacks never described in the litterature.
Idemia: Protection against fuzzing attack Leopold Ouairy has started his PhD in October 2017 in a bilateral contract between Inria and Idemia. The context is related with security testing of Java applications to avoid fuzzing attack. The approach is based on AI to design automatically a model use for the oracle. He used machine learning to serach in a corpus of applicatons methods having the same semantics. Then in a second step, after convertir the source code into a vector he compute a similarity value which is related with absence of conditions evaluation.
Ministry of Defence: Visualisation for the characterization of security events Laetitia Leichtnam has started his PhD thesis in November 2016 in the context of a contract between CentraleSupelec and the French Ministry of Defence. His work consists in presenting events appearing in heterogeneous logs as a dependency graph between the lines of logs. This permits to the administrator to investigate easily the logs to discover the different steps that has performed an attack in the supervised system.
Ministry of Defence: Characterization of an attacker Aïmad Berady has started his PhD thesis in November 2018 in the context of a contract between CentraleSupelec and the French Ministry of Defence. His work is to highlight the characteristics of an attacker performing a targeted and long-term attack on an information system.
Nokia: Risk-aware security policies adaptation in modern communication infrastructures Pernelle Mensah was hired in January 2016 on this CIFRE funding in order to work on unexplored aspects of information security, and in particular response strategies to complex attacks, in the context of cloud computing architectures. The use case proposed by our industrial partner is a multi-tenant cloud computing platform involving software-defined networking in order to provide further flexibility and responsiveness in architecture management. The topic of the thesis is to adapt and improve the current risk-aware reactive response tools, based on attack graphs and adaptive security policies, to this specific environment, taking into account the heterogeneity of actors, platforms, policies and remediation options.
Orange LAb's: Storage and query in a massive distributed graph for the web of things Cyprien Gottstein has started his PhD thesis in October 2018 in the context of a collaboration between Inria and Orange (I/O Lab). In this thesis, we consider storage and query problems that arise when massive distributed graphs are used to represent the web of things. In particular, access to the data and partitioning of the graph are studied to propose efficient geographical services.
Thales: Privacy and Secure Multi-party Computation Aurélien Dupin has started his PhD thesis in January 2016 within the context of a CIFRE contract with Thales. His PhD subject concerns secure multi-party computation. Secure two-party computation provides a way for two parties to compute a function, that depends on the two parties' inputs, while keeping them private. Known since the 1980s, Yao's garbled circuits appear to be a general solution to this problem, in the semi-honest model. Decades of optimizations have made this tool a very practical solution. However, it is well known that a malicious adversary could modify a garbled circuit before submitting it. Many protocols, mostly based on cut-&-choose, have been proposed to secure Yao's garbled circuits in the presence of malicious adversaries. Nevertheless, how much an adversary can modify a circuit and make it still executable have not been studied. In the context of his PhD, Aurélien Dupin is interested by such a question.
Thales: Combining Attack Specification and Dynamic Learning from traces for correlation rule generation Charles Xosanavongsa has started his PhD thesis in December 2016 in the context of a CIFRE with Thales. His work will focus on the construction of correlation rules. In previous work on correlation rule generation, the usual approach is static. It always relies on the description of the supervised system using a knowledge base of the system. The use of correlation trees is an appealing solution because it allows to have a precise description of the attacks and can handle any kind of IDS. But in practice, the behavior of each IDS is quite difficult to predict, in particular for anomaly based IDS. To manage automatically the correlation rules (and adapt them if necessary), we plan to analyze synthetic traces containing both anomaly based and misused based IDS alerts resulting from an attack.