Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
ANR-17-CE22-0016 MultiMod, 2018-2021
Participants : Mohammed Amine Ait Ouahmed, Ali Al Zoobi, David Coudert, Nicolas Nisse, Michel Syska.
Project title: Scalable routing in Multi Modal transportation networks
Other partners: Inria Paris, EP GANG; team CeP, I3S laboratory; SME Instant-System; SME Benomad
Abstract: The MultiMod project addresses key algorithmic challenges to enable the fast computation of personalized itineraries in large-scale multi-modal public transportation (PT) networks (bus, tram, metro, bicycle, etc.) combined with dynamic car-pooling. We will use real-time data to propose itineraries with close to real travel-time, and handle user-constraints to propose personalized itineraries. Our main challenge is to overcome the scalability of existing solutions in terms of query processing time and data-structures space requirements, while including unplanned transportation means (car-pooling), real-time data, and personalized user constraints. The combination of car-pooling and PT network will open-up areas with low PT coverage enable faster itineraries and so foster the adoption of car-pooling. We envision that the outcome of this project will dramatically enhanced the mobility and daily life of citizens in urban areas.
Project Title: POndérations et COlorations DIStinguantes de graphes
Abstract: This project is about two conjectures on proper weightings of a graph, namely the 1-2-3 conjecture and a conjecture about localy irregular decompositions. A weighting is proper whenever the coloring obtained by taking as color for a vertex
the sum of the weight in the neighbourhood of is a proper coloring, more concisely adjacent vertices have different sums. The main objective of the project is to address several open questions around (i.e. motivated by) these conjectures since we believe that this could lead to significant progress toward the solution of the two main conjectures. To that aim we will make use of several recent and innovative tools and technique in the field, such as the probabilistic method and the polynomial method. In order to use and understand these techniques to their best we shall strengthen several international collaborations with experts from the field.
Project title: DIsjoint Structures and Coverings in Oriented graphs
Other partners: organisme, labo (pays) CNRS LIRMM (Montpellier), Syddansk universitet (Odense, Danemark)
Abstract: Directed graphs (digraphs) are much less understood than undirected graphs. Many, seemingly very simple questions remain unsolved for digraphs while the analogous problem for undirected graphs is trivial. At the same time digraphs is a very important modelling tool for practical applications and so a better undestanding of their structure is important. The purpose of DISCO is to advance knowledge on fundamental problems on digraphs, including splitting a digraph into smaller pieces with given properties, problems regarding disjoint paths and trees, finding small certificates for given properties, such as strong spanning subdigraphs with few arcs. The later is important for speeding up certain algorithms.
Through a concerted effort we expect to obtain important results which will lead to a better undestanding of fundamental questions about the structure of digraphs. The participants will meet regularly both in France and in Denmark to work on carefully selected problems.
GDR Actions
GDR RSD, ongoing (since 2006)
Members of Coati are involved in the working group RESCOM (Réseaux de communications) of GDR RSD, CNRS ( In particular, David Coudert is co-chair of this working group since 2017 and has organized its annual summer school, RESCOM'18. Christelle Caillouet was co-chair of the programme committee of the annual conference AlgoTel'18.
We are also involved in the working group "Energy" of GDR RSD. In particular, Frédéric Giroire is co-hair of this working group.
GDR IM, ongoing (since 2006)
Members of Coati are involved in the working group "Graphes" of GDR IM, CNRS. ( In particular, Frédéric Havet is member of the steering committee.
GDR MADICS, ongoing (since 2017)
Members of Coati are involed in the working group GRAMINEES (GRaph data Mining in Natural, Ecological and Environnemental Sciences) of GDR MADICS (Masses de Données, Informations et Connaissances en Sciences). (
The annual summer school RESCOM'18 of GDR RSD has been co-organized with GDR MADICS.