2018 Project-Team Activity Report
compiler optimization and run-time systems
Research centre:
Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes
In partnership with: Institut polytechnique de Grenoble, Université de Grenoble Alpes
In collaboration with: Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble (LIG)
In collaboration with: Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble (LIG)
Field: Algorithmics, Programming, Software and Architecture
Theme: Architecture, Languages and Compilation
Theme: Architecture, Languages and Compilation
Computer Science and Digital Science:
- A1.1.1. - Multicore, Manycore
- A1.1.3. - Memory models
- A1.6. - Green Computing
- A2.1.6. - Concurrent programming
- A2.1.7. - Distributed programming
- A2.1.10. - Domain-specific languages
- A2.2. - Compilation
- A2.2.1. - Static analysis
- A2.2.2. - Memory models
- A2.2.4. - Parallel architectures
- A2.2.5. - Run-time systems
- A2.2.6. - GPGPU, FPGA...
- A6.2.7. - High performance computing
- A7.1. - Algorithms
- A8.2. - Optimization
- A8.2.1. - Operations research
- A8.4. - Computer Algebra
- A8.7. - Graph theory
Other Research Topics and Application Domains:
- B4.5. - Energy consumption
- B4.5.1. - Green computing
- B5.3. - Nanotechnology
- B6.1.2. - Software evolution, maintenance
- B6.6. - Embedded systems
- B6.7. - Computer Industry (harware, equipments...)
- B9.1. - Education
- B9.8. - Reproducibility