Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master 1: Frédéric Desprez, Parallel Algorithms and Programming, 30 hours, M1 MoSIG and CS, UGA, France

  • License 3: François Broquedis, Imperative programming using python, 40 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • License 3: François Broquedis, Computer architecture, 40 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • License 3: François Broquedis, C programming, 80 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • Master 1: François Broquedis, Operating systems and concurrent programming, 40 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • Master 1: François Broquedis, Operating Systems Development Project - Fundamentals, 20 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • Master 1: François Broquedis, Operating Systems Project, 20 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • Master: Florent Bouchez Tichadou, Algorithmic Problem Solving, 41 hours, M1 MoSIG

  • Licence: Florent Bouchez Tichadou, Algorithms languages and programming, 113 hours, L2 UGA

  • Licence: Florent Bouchez Tichadou is responsible of the second year of INF (informatique) and MIN (mathématiques et informatique) students at UGA, eq. 85 hours

  • Master 1: Yliès Falcone, Proof Techniques and Logic Reminders, MoSIG, 3 hours

  • Master 1: Yliès Falcone, Programming Language Semantics and Compiler Design, MoSIG and Master informatique, 96 hours

  • License: Yliès Falcone, Languages and Automata, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, 105 hours

  • Master: Yliès Falcone, is co-responsible of the first year of the International Master of Computer Science (Univ. Grenoble Alpes and INP ENSIMAG)

  • Master 1: Jean-François Méhaut, Parallel Algorithms and Programming, 8 hours, M1 Info, UGA, France

  • Licence 3: Jean-François Méhaut, Numerical Methods, 50 hours, Polytech, UGA, France

  • Licence 3: Jean-François Méhaut, Advanced Algorithms, 50 hours, Polytech, UGA, France

  • Master 1: Jean-François Méhaut, Operating System Design and Implementation, 40 hours, Polytech, UGA, France

  • Licence 3, Jean-François Méhaut, C Programming, 15 hours, Polytech, UGA, France


  • PhD in progress: Georgios Christodoulis, Adaptation of a heterogeneous run-time system to efficiently exploit FPGA, October 2015, advised by Frederic Desprez, Olivier Muller (TIMA/SLS), and François Broquedis

  • PhD in progress: Mathieu Stoffel, Static and dynamic approaches for the optimization of the energy consumption associated with applications of the High Performance Computing (HPC) field, February 2018, advised by François Broquedis, Frédéric Desprez, Abdelhafid Mazouz (Atos/Bull) and Philippe Rols (Atos/Bull)

  • PhD: Ye Xia, Scaling and placement for autonomic management of elasticity of applications in a widely distributed cloud, defended on December 17th 2018, Combining Heuristics for Optimizing and Scaling the Placement of IoT Applications in the Fog, advised by Thierry Coupaye (Orange), Frédéric Desprez, and Xavier Etchevers (Orange)

  • PhD in progress: Fabian Grüber, Interactive & iterative performance debugging, September 2016, advised by Fabrice Rastello and Yliès Falcone

  • PhD: François Gindraud, Semantics and compilation for a data-flow model with a global address space and software cache coherency. Defended on January 11 2018, advised by Fabrice Rastello and Albert Cohen

  • PhD: Thomas Messi Nguelé, Domain Specific Languages for Social Networks Analysis on Multi-Core Architectures, defended on September 15 2018, advised by Maurice Tchuenté (Yaoundé I, LIRIMA) and Jean-François Méhaut

  • PhD: Philippe Virouleau, Improving the performance of task-based run-time systems on large scale NUMA machines, defended on June 5 2018, advised by Thierry Gautier (Inria /AVALON), Fabrice Rastello, and François Broquedis

  • PhD: Antoine El-Hokayem, Decentralised and Distributed Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems, defended on December 18 2018, advised by Yliès Falcone

  • PhD in progress: Pedro Henrique Penna, Towards an Operating System for Manycore Platforms, October 2017, advised by Marcio Castro (UFSC), François Broquedis, Henrique Cota de Freitas (PUC Minas) and Jean-François Méhaut

  • PhD in progress: Raphaël Jakse, Interactive Runtime Verification, to be defended in Fall 2019, advised by Jean-François Méhaut and Yliès Falcone

  • PhD in progress: Luis Felipe Millani, Auto-tuning for optimizations of performance and power consumption, November 2015, advised by Lucas Schnoor (UFRGS) and Jean-François Méhaut


Frédéric Desprez
  • François Gindraud, examiner, Semantics and compilation for a data-flow model with a global address space and software cache coherency, PhD, Université Grenoble Alpes, January 11, 2018

  • Guillaume Latu, reviewer, Contribution à la simulation haute-performance et aux méthodes de calcul très extensibles, HDR, Université de Strasbourg, April 18, 2018

  • Bastien Confais, reviewer, Conception d’un système de partage de données adapté à un environnement de Fog Computing, PhD, Université de Nantes, July 10, 2018

  • Hadrien Croubois, examiner/chair, Toward an autonomic engine for scientific workflows and elastic Cloud infrastructure, PhD, ENS Lyon, October 16 2018

  • Estelle Dirand, examiner, Développement d'un système in situ à base de tâches pour un code de dynamique moléculaire classique adapté aux machines exaflopiques, PhD, Université Grenoble Alpes, November 6, 2018

  • Ovidiu Marcu, reviewer, KerA : A Unified Ingestion and Storage System for Scalable Big Data Processing, PhD, Insa de Rennes, December 18, 2018

  • Mohamed Abderrahim, reviewer, Conception d’un système de supervision programmable et reconfigurable pour une infrastructure informatique et réseau répartie, IMT Atlantique, December 19, 2018

Fabrice Rastello
  • François Gindraud, advisor, Système distribué à adressage global et cohérence logicielle pour l’exécution d’un modèle de tâche à flot de données, Université Grenoble Alpes, January 11, 2018

  • Johannes Doerfert, reviewer, Applicable and Sound Polyhedral Optimization of Low-Level Programs, Universität des Saarlandes, December 19, 2018

  • Philippe Virouleau, advisor, Etude et amélioration de l'exploitation des architectures NUMA à travers des supports exécutifs, Université Grenoble Alpes, June 5, 2018

François Broquedis
  • Philippe Virouleau, advisor, Etude et amélioration de l'exploitation des architectures NUMA à travers des supports exécutifs, Université Grenoble Alpes, June 5, 2018

Jean-François Méhaut
  • Terry Cojean, reviewer, Programmation d'architectures hétérogènes à l'aide de tâches moldables, PhD, Université de Bordeaux, March 26, 2018

  • Arnaud Durocher, reviewer, Simulations massives de dynamique des dislocations: fiabilité et performance sur architectures parallèles et distribuées, PhD, Université de Bordeaux, December 19, 2018

  • Sorya Zertal, reviewer, Contributions to data storage systems: modelling, simulation and evaluation tools, HDR , Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines (UVSQ), May 18, 2018

  • Bilal Fakil, reviewer, Environnement décentralisé et protocole de communication pour le calcul intensif sur grille, PhD, Université de Toulouse, November 9, 2018