CQFD - 2018
Overall Objectives
Application Domains
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
Application Domains
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Estimation of the average number of continuous crossings for non-stationary non-diffusion processes

Assume that you observe trajectories of a non-diffusive non-stationary process and that you are interested in the average number of times where the process crosses some threshold (in dimension d = 1) or hypersurface (in dimension d ≥ 2). Of course, you can actually estimate this quantity by its empirical version counting the number of observed crossings. But is there a better way? In this paper, for a wide class of piecewise smooth processes, we propose estimators of the average number of continuous crossings of an hypersurface based on Kac-Rice formulae. We revisit these formulae in the uni-and multivariate framework in order to be able to handle non-stationary processes. Our statistical method is tested on both simulated and real data.

Authors: Alexandre Genadot (Inria CQFD) and Romain Azaïs.