Section: Application Domains
Life Science & Health
In parallel to the advances in modern medicine, health sciences and public health policy, epidemic models aided by computer simulations and information technologies offer an increasingly important tool for the understanding of transmission dynamics and of epidemic patterns. The increased computational power and use of Information and Communication Technologies make feasible sophisticated modelling approaches augmented by detailed in vivo data sets, and allow to study a variety of possible scenarios and control strategies, helping and supporting the decision process at the scientific, medical and public health level. The research conducted in the DANTE project finds direct applications in the domain of LSH since modelling approaches crucially depend on our ability to describe the interactions of individuals in the population. In the TUBEXPO and ARIBO projects, we are collaborating with Pr. Jean-Christopge Lucet (Professeur des université Paris VII, Praticien hospitalier APHP). Within PhD work of G. Frusque, we collaborate with Dr. Julien Jung from Hôpital de Neurologie de Bron (HCL) and with Nadine Ravel, DR CNRS (CRNL, INSERM).