Section: Dissemination
Articles and contents
Gilles Dowek writes a monthly column in Pour la Science (12 issues) and has started a bi-monthly column in Le Monde (3 issues).
Gilles Dowek has given interviews to France Inter, Radio France Internationale, France Culture, Ouest France, Usbek et Rica, and Philosophie Magazine.
Gilles Dowek has participated to meetings on scientific education in Switzerland, Belgium, and Côte d'Ivoire.
He has been heard by a committee of the the Éducation Nationale on pedagogical data and privacy.
He has given a talk on job mutations to mathematics inspectors.
Gilles Dowek has given popular science talks in Toulouse, Antony, Issoudun, Rueil Malmaison, Saint Louis, Saint-Cloud, Rennes, Nancy, Paris, Nîmes, St Quentin en Yvelines, Montbéliard, Molaix, St Agrève, Rhodes, Marcoule, and Juvisy.