Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria Associate Teams Involved in an Inria International Lab
Title: DrIVE: Distributed Intelligent Vehicular Environment - Enabling ITS through programmable networks
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
See also:
Abstract: Transportation systems are part of our society's critical infrastructure and are expected to experience transformative changes as the Internet revolution unfolds. The automotive industry is a notable example: it has been undergoing disruptive transformations as vehicles transition from traditional unassisted driving to fully automated driving, and eventually to the self-driving model. Communication technology advancements such as support for vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication have been one of the key enablers of next generation transportation services, also known as Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). However, ITS services and applications pose significant challenges to the underlying communication and network infrastructure due to their stringent low latency, reliability, scalability, and geographic decentralization requirements. The DrIVE associated team proposal aims at addressing such challenges by: (1) developing a programmable network control plane that will dynamically adjust to current environment conditions and network characteristics to support ITS' scalability, quality of service (QoS), and decentralization requirements, and (2) applying the proposed distributed network control plane framework to ITS applications, such as road hazard warning, autonomous- and self-driving vehicles, and passenger-centric services (e.g., infotainment and video streaming).
Inria Associate Teams Not Involved in an Inria International Labs
Title: Ultra High Definition video streaming on future 5G networks
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
See also:
The aim of this collaboration is to design and develop efficient mechanisms for streaming UHD video on 5G networks and to evaluate them in a realistic and reproducible way by using novel experimental testbeds.
Our approach leverages and extends when necessary ICN and SDN technologies to allow very high quality video streaming at large scale. We also plan to use Virtual Network Functions (VNF) in order to place easily and dynamically different functions (e.g. transcoding, caching) at strategic locations within the network. Specifically, the placement of these functions will be decided by SDN controllers to optimize the quality of experience (QoE) of users. Moreover, we plan to integrate ICN functionalities (e.g., name-based forwarding and multipath transport using in-network caching) with SDN/NFV to provide better QoE and mobility services support to users than traditional IP architectures. Monitoring mechanisms such as the Contrace tool we developed in the SIMULBED associated team will be helpful to provide an accurate view of the network at the SDN controllers side. In addition, we will build a large-scale testbed to evaluate our solutions through reproducible experimentations based on two testbeds: the ICN wired CUTEi tesbed developed by NICT and the wireless R2lab testbed developed by Inria.