Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master Ubinet: Chadi Barakat and Walid Dabbous, Evolving Internet, 31.5 hours, M2, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France.
Master Ubinet: Chadi Barakat and Walid Dabbous, Internet Measurements and New Architectures, 31.5 hours, M2, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France.
Master 1 in Computer Science: Chadi Barakat, Computer Networks, 15 hours, M1, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.
Master 1 in Computer Science: Chadi Barakat, Internet of the Future, 15 hours, M1, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
Master Estel: Chadi Barakat, Voice over IP, 9 hours, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France.
Master Ubinet: Arnaud Legout, From BitTorrent to Privacy, 36 hours, M2, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France.
Master 1 in Computer Science: Arnaud Legout, Oral and written communications, 18 hours, M1, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France.
Master IUP GMI: Damien Saucez, Security and privacy in networks, 38h, M2, University of Avignon, France.
Python: Arnaud Legout and Thierry Parmentelat are co-authors of the MOOC Python 3 : "Python 3 : des fondamentaux aux concepts avancés du langage" that lasts 9 weeks on FUN (, UCA. For the second session there were 12748 registered persons. In total, this MOOC all on its editions has been followed by 57938 persons.
PhD in progress: Othmane Belmoukadam started his PhD on "QoE aware content management in the Internet: caching and transport" in October 2018. He is supervised by Chadi Barakat and funded by the doctoral school EDSTIC of Université Côte d'Azur (UCA).
PhD in progress: Yanis Boussad started his PhD on "Large scale characterization of the exposition to microwaves" in October 2017. He is co-supervised with Leonardo Lizzi, LEAT.
PhD in progress: Giuseppe Di Lena started his PhD on "Building a resilience methodology for NFV/SDN " in Apr 2018. His PhD is co-supervised by Thierry Turletti and Damien Saucez.
PhD in progress: Thibaut Ehlinger: started his PhD on "Mapping Quality of Service metrics to user Quality of Experience in the Internet" in November 2017. He is co-supervised by Chadi Barakat and Vassilis Christophides (EPI MiMove, Inria Paris).
PhD in progress: Iman Fouad started her PhD on on Web tracking technologies and privacy protection in november 2017. Her thesis is co-supervised by Arnaud Legout and Nataliia Bielova (Indes).
PhD in progress: Karyna Gogunska works on "Empowering Virtualized Networks with Measurement As a Service (MaaS)". Her thesis is co-supervised by Chadi Barakat and Guillaume Urvoy-Keller (I3S).
PhD in progress: Muhammad Jawad Khokhar works on "From Network Level Measurements to Expected Quality of User Experience". His PhD is supervised by Chadi Barakat.
PhD in progress: Mohamed Naoufal Mahfoudi works on cross-layer optimization techniques for next generation MIMO-based networks since November 2015. His thesis is co-supervised by Walid Dabbous and Robert Staraj (LEAT).
PhD in progress: Ghada Moualla works on "the problem of network faults and how to circumvent them by the means of Software Defined Networking, virtualization, and service function chaining" since November 2015. Her thesis is co-supervised by Thierry Turletti and Damien Saucez.
PhD: Vitalii Poliakov defended his PhD on "the application of Software Defined Networking on 5G networks in order to optimise the Quality of Experience of network services" in December 2018. His thesis was co-supervised by Damien Saucez and Lucile Sassatelli (I3S).
PhD: Hardik Soni defended his PhD on "Software Defined Networking in challenged environments" in April 2018. His thesis was co-supervised by Thierry Turletti and Walid Dabbous.
PhD in progress: Imane Taibi started his PhD in the Dionysos project-team on "Big data analysis for network monitoring and troubleshooting" in November 2017. She is co-supervised by Gerardo Rubino, Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul and Chadi Barakat.
PhD in progress: Mathieu Thiery started his PhD in the Privatics project-team on "Data protection of connected objects and smartphones" in April 2017. He is co-supervised by Vincent Roca and Arnaud Legout.
PhD in progress: Thibaud Trolliet started his PhD on "Exploring trust on Twitter" in octobre 2017. He is co-supervised with Frederic Giroire.
Chadi Barakat served as reviewer of Muhammad Ikram thesis, "Analysis and Design of Secure and Privacy Preserving Systems" defended in April 2018 at the University of New South Wales and Data61, Australia.
Walid Dabbous served as reviewer of Cédric Baudoin HDR thesis “Optimisation et intégration des réseaux de télécommunication par satellite” in INP Toulouse, defended in january 17, 2018.
Walid Dabbous served as a jury member for the mid-term review of the Ph.D. thesis of Sumit Kumar (Eurecom) for his thesis entitled "Simultaneous multi-standard SDR platform" in january 18, 2018.
Walid Dabbous served as a jury chair person for the Ph.D. thesis defense of Dolière Francis Somé on "Web Applications Security and Privacy" on october 29, 2018 (Inria, Indes project-team).
Damien Saucez served as jury member of Chi Dung Phung PhD defence, UPMC, Paris. The thesis on "Enriching the Internet control-plane for improved traffic engineering" was defended on March 30, 2018.
Damien Saucez served as jury member of Yue Li PhD defense, Telecom ParisTech, Paris. The thesis on "Future Internet Services based on LISP Technology" was defended on April 26, 2018.
Thierry Turletti served as a jury member for the mid-term review of the Ph.D. thesis of Andrea Tomassilli on "the integration of Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) techniques with Software-Defined Networking (SDN)." on May 24, 2018 (Inria, COATI project-team).
Thierry Turletti served as a jury member for the mid-term review of the Ph.D. thesis of Chia-Yu Chang on "Cloudification and Slicing in 5G Radio Access Network" on June 28, 2018 (Eurecom).
Thierry Turletti served as reviewer of Elie Bouttier PhD thesis, "Livraison de contenus sur un réseau hybride satellite / terrestre", defended on July 5, 2018 at INP Toulouse, France.
Thierry Turletti served as reviewer of Raphael Naves PhD thesis, "Apport de la gestion des interférences aux réseaux sans-fil multi-sauts: Le cas du Physical-Layer Network Coding” defended on November 19, 2018 at INP Toulouse, France.
Thierry Turletti served as reviewer and president of Imad Alawe PhD thesis “Architectures evaluation and dynamic scaling for 5G mobile core networks”, defended on November 21, 2018 at Université de Rennes 1, France.