DISCO - 2018
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms

Section: New Results

Landing of a civil aircraft

Participants : Frederic Mazenc, Michael Malisoff [LSU] , Laurent Burlion [ONERA Toulouse] , Victor Gibert [Airbus Toulouse] .

In this work and the following, we applied the technique of [28] to problems arising from applications. The paper [56] is devoted to the problem of stabilizing a nonlinear system approximated in a neighborhood of the origin by a saturated chain of integrators when the variables are not accurately measured. We used our control design to solve a control problem that arises in the context of vision based landing of a civil aircraft. In [55], we solved the problem of stabilizing a nonlinear system when the variables are not accurately measured and cannot be differentiated. The proposed method was first motivated and thus finally applied to the vision based control problem of a landing airliner.