DISCO - 2018
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms

Section: New Results

Model Identification for Demand-Side Management of District Heating Substations

Participants : Nadine Aoun [L2S, CEA-LITEN, ADEME] , Roland Baviere [CEA-LITEN] , Mathieu Vallee [CEA-LITEN] , Guillaume Sandou.

Demand-Side Management (DSM) strategies, such as load shifting and nighttime set-back, exploit the thermal inertia of buildings to make the operation of District Heating Systems (DHSs) more efficient. The control strategy requires a building model to assess the flexibility of buildings in handling demand modulation, without jeopardizing the thermal comfort. Reduced Order Models (ROMs) with few parameters are often used for this end; in many previous works their parameters have been identified using time-series data including indoor temperature measurements. However, at a city scale and due to privacy rights, such internal signals are usually unavailable. Thereby, identifying the ROM shall rely solely on measurements available at the substation level.

In our work, we develop and demonstrate a method respecting this practical constraint to identify a first and a second order building model. In literature, a rather simplified approach had been proposed to derive a first order building model from substation measurements. We compare the performance of our methodology with respect to the latter, using the same model structure. As for the second order model, its structure is more relevant to account for different dynamics in buildings equipped with hydronic heating systems or featuring important internal thermal inertia. Data used for the identification is restricted to the heat flux delivered from the DHS, both supply and return water temperatures, mass flowrate across the substation’s heat-exchangers and the outdoor temperature. Validation of the proposed approach is carried out using a representative white-box model of a building and its substation written in the Modelica language. Implementation of advanced control strategies for DHSs based on this model identification is in prospect.