Section: Dissemination


Exhibitions to Open Cloud Forum, Paris 21/03/2018

Exhibitions to EclipsCon Toulouse 13-14/04 2018

Exhibitions to Paris Open Source Submit 05-06/12/2018

Internal or external Inria responsibilities

Olivier Barais was in charge of the recruitment committee for the position of associate professor at the University of Rennes 1 in cyber security.

Olivier Barais was a member the recruitment committee for the position of associate professor at the University of Nantes in Software Engineering.

Olivier Barais was a member of the recruitment committee for the position of associate professor at the University of Bordeaux in Software Engineering.


Exhibitions to the Lycée Sévigné to present career paths in Research

Exhibitions to the "forum des métiers du collège Bourgchevreuil"

Internal action

  • Olivier Barais provide one day course on Modern Web Engineering to SED Engineer.