Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Labs


Participants : Abdoul Aziz Mbacke, Brandon Foubert, Valeria Loscri, Anjalalaina Jean Cristanel Razafimandimby, Nathalie Mitton [correspondant] .

  • Agrinet

  • Title: Agrinet

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

  • Type: LIRIMA Associate team

  • Duration: 2017-2020

  • See also: https://team.inria.fr/agrinet/

  • The current drought and limited water resources in many parts of Southern Africa and beyond, already have a significant impact on agriculture and hence, food production. Sustainable food security depends upon proper plant and crop management respectful of soils and natural re- sources, such as water. This includes very important South African farming areas, such as the Western Cape and Northern Cape. In France, agriculture is also hugely important. Not just nationally, but also in Europe. The system proposed can be applied to a variety of crops. The economic- and social consequences are profound and any contribution towards more efficient farming within increasingly onerous natural constraints, should be a priority. To address these constraints, we propose to develop a flexible, rapidly deployable, biological/agricultural data acquisition platform and associated machine learning algorithms to create advanced agricultural monitoring and management techniques, to improve crop management and use of natural resources. The project also addresses an industry with very high socioeconomic impact.

    Publications issued from that project in 2018 are: [25], [45], [35].

Inria International Partners

Declared Inria International Partners
  • Université Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria (UNIC) (Italy) Objective of this collaboration is the design of an innovative architecture that enables autonomic and decentralized fruition of the services offered by the network of smart objects in many heterogeneous and dynamic environments, in a way that is independent of the network topology, reliable and flexible. The result is an 'ecosystem' of objects, self-organized and self-sustained, capable of making data and services available to the users wherever and whenever required, thus supporting the fruition of an 'augmented' reality thanks to a new environmental and social awareness.

Informal International Partners

Southern University, China

The purpose of this collaboration is to study the green (or energy-efficient) communication problem in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) and the application of vehicular network communication in green transportation. In this framework, Nathalie Mitton visited the Nanjing University. It gave birth to joint project submission, joint conference organization and joint publications.

Arun Sen from Arizona State University, USA

The purpose of this collaboration is to study the joint scheduling and trajectory of RFID readers in a mobile environment. In this framework, Arun Sen visited the FUN team for 6 months in 2015 and in July 2016. It gave birth to joint project submission, joint conference submission and joint publications, among them in 2018 [14].

Anna-Maria Vegni from Roma Tre University, Italy

The purpose of this collaboration is to study alternative communication paradigms and investigate their limitations and different effects on performances. In this framework, joint publications have been obtained, among them in 2018 [17], [21], [26], [36], [43], [45].

Participation in Other International Programs


Participants : Valeria Loscri, Joao Batista Pinto Neto, Nathalie Mitton [correspondant] .

  • Title: Crowd Data In the mobile cloud

  • Duration: January 2015 - December 2019

  • CroMo (Crowd Data In the mobile cloud) is a submission to the CAPES-COFECUB project call lead by Inria from the French side and University of Rio de Janeiro from Brazilian Side. Other partner institutions are Université Pierre et Marie Curie and Université de la Rochelle.

Mobile cloud computing is an emerging paradigm to improve the quality of mobile applications by transferring part of the computational tasks to the resource-rich cloud. The multitude data sources combined with the known difficulties of wireless communications represent an important issue for mobile cloud computing. Therefore, the additional computational power added by the cloud has to deal with the constraints of the wireless medium. One could imagine a situation where different sensors collect data and require intensive computation. This data must be transmitted at high rates before becoming stale. In this case, the network becomes the main bottleneck, not the processing power or storage size. To circumvent this issue, different strategies can be envisioned. As usual alternatives, wireless data rates must be increased or the amount of data sent to the cloud must be reduced. CROMO tackles challenges from all these three components of the mobile clouds (data generation, collect and processing) to then integrate them as a whole enhanced mobile cloud with improved network performances in terms of delay, energy consumption, availability, and reliability. In this context, joint exchanges and crossed visits have been done (Aziz went to Rio, Dianne went to Lille). The project yield to several publications such as [22].