Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Nathalie Mitton is a member of the Steering committee of CIoT
Valeria Loscri is general co-chair of City-Wide Pervasive Environment CoWPER, in conjunction with IEEE SECON 2018, and of a Special Session on Mobile Social Networks in PIMRC 2018
Scientific Events Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
Valeria Loscri is TPC co-chair of IEEE ACM Nanocom 2019 and of IEEE ACM SmartComp in conjunction with Mobihoc 2018
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Valeria loscri is/was member in the Technical Program Committee (TPC) in IFIP/IEEE NTMS 2018, Globecom 2018-2019, CORES 2018, VTC 2018-2019, GIoTS 2018-2019, WiMob 2018, CCNC 2018-2019, ICC 2019
Nathalie Mitton is/was in the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of Percom 2019, WCNC 2019, DCOSS 2019, CORES 2018, Infocom workshop 2018, VTC 2018, globecom 2019&2018, GIIS 2018, CSCN2018, ICC 2018, coconet 2018, adhocnow 2018
Antoine Gallais was/is in the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of IEEE Globecom'19 and 2018, IEEE ICNC'19 and 2018, IEEE GIIS'18, IARIA INNOV'18, IEEE COMNETSAT'18, IARIA EMERGING'18, ADHOC-NOW'18, ICST Adhocnets'18
Allan Blanchard was/is in the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of 4PAD 2018
Guest editorial activities
Nathalie Mitton was (co-)editor of Sensor Special Issues of MDPI Sensors on QoS in WSN and of MDPI Future Internet WSN in Smart Agriculture
Valeria Loscri was editor of IEEE Access Special Section on Protocols for Nanocommunication Networks, of IEEE Access Special Section on Body Area Networks and of a Special Issue on IEEE Internet of Things Journal on Recent Advances on Social Internet of Vehicles
Member of the Editorial Boards
Nathalie Mitton is editorial board members of AHSWN since 2011
Nathalie Mitton is editorial board member of Adhoc Networks since 2012
Nathalie Mitton is editorial board member of IET-WSS since 2013
Nathalie Mitton is editorial board member of ComSoc MMTC e-letter since 2014
Nathalie Mitton is editorial board member of Wiley Transactions Emerging Telecommunications Technologies since 2016
Nathalie Mitton is editorial board member of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing since 2016
Nathalie Mitton is editorial board member of MDPI Future Internet since 2018
Valeria Loscri is editorial board member of IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience journal since 2017
Valeria Loscri is editorial board member of Elsevier Computer Networks journal since 2016
Valeria Loscri is editorial board member of Robotics Software Design and Engineering of the International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems since 2016
Valeria Loscri is editorial board member of Elsevier Journal of Networks and Computer Applications (JNCA) journal since 2016
Invited Talks
Nathalie Mitton was invited speaker at Workshop “Digital Agriculture in Africa”, in Montpellier, in April 2018
Nathalie Mitton was invited speaker at CORES conference in Roscoff, France, in May 2018
Nathalie Mitton was invited speaker at WFCS conference in Imperia, Italy, in June 2018
Nathalie Mitton was invited speaker at Nantes University, France, in October 2018
Antoine Gallais was invited speaker at Innov'School Network of Things (ISNOT), Gammarth, Tunisia in April 2018
Allan Blanchard gave an invited tutorial at ZINC 2018, Novi Sad, Serbia in June 2018
Allan Blanchard gave an invited tutorial at HPCS 2018, Orleans, France, in July 2018
Valeria Loscri was invited as panelist in the panel “Inspirations from wireless networks to biology” in the 3rd EU FET CIRCLE Workshop, Ghent April 2018
Valeria Loscri was invited as panelist in the Panel New Trends in Communication and at the Doctoral Colloquium at ACM/IEEE NanoCom 2018
Valeria Loscri has been appointed as Faculty Mentor in N2 Women meeting at ACM Mobihoc 2018
Valeria Loscri was invited to attend the Seed meeting on Dynamical Modeling and Simulation for Molecular Communication that was held at the Embassy of France in London
Valeria Loscri was invited speaker at the LiFi seminar in Vélizy, September 2018
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Nathalie Mitton is a member of the Steering Committee of the GDR Rescom
Valeria Loscri is a member of Social Network Technical Committee
Valeria Loscri is a member of Emerging Technologies Initiatives for Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications (ETI-MBMC)
Valeria Loscri is a member of the Quantum Communications & Information Technology Emerging Technical Subcommittee (QCIT)
Valeria Loscri is a member of the “Research Group on IoT Communications and Networking Infrastructure” at ComSoc Communities
Scientific Expertise
Nathalie Mitton is an elected member of the evaluation community of Inria. She has acted as a reviewer for ANRT and ANR project submissions and as an evaluator for Chilean National Science and Technology Commission (CONICYT - Chile) FONDECYT Initiation into Research 2018 projects. She is also member of the scientific committees of the competitiveness cluster of MATIKEN and for CITC (International Contactless Technologies Center). Finally, Nathalie Mitton is a member of the HCERES visiting committee for the LISIS laboratory.
Valeria Loscri is Scientific European Responsible for Inria Lille - Nord Europe. She is reviewer in the context of ERC Consolidator Grant. She is reviewer for Equipes Associées. She has been scientific reviewer of TOP grant for senior researchers in the context of Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) program.
Valeria Loscri has been external expert reviewer of proposal for grant competition at the Center for Excellence in Applied Computational Science and Engineering (CEACSE), UTC (USA).