Section: New Results
Participants : Nathalie Mitton, Abdoul Aziz Mbacke, Ibrahim Amadou.
While RFID technology is gaining increased attention from industrial community deploying different RFID-based applications, it still suffers from reading collisions. As such, many proposals were made by the scientific community to try and alleviate that issue using different techniques either centralized or distributed, monochannel or multichannels, TDMA or CSMA. However, the wide range of solutions and their diversity make it hard to have a clear and fair overview of the different works. [18] surveys the most relevant and recent known state-of-the-art anti-collision for RFID protocols. It provides a classification and performance evaluation taking into consideration different criteria as well as a guide to choose the best protocol for given applications depending on their constraints or requirements but also in regard to their deployment environments.
Among all these approaches, [29], [28] propose new reader anti-collision schemes and data-priority aware data collection in a multi-hop RFID data collection protocol. [28] examines the implementation of two applications: for industrial IoT and for smart cities, respectively. Both applications, in regards to their requirements and configuration, challenge the operation of a RFID sensing solution combined with a dynamic wireless data gathering over multihops. They require the use of both mobile and fixed readers to cover the extent of deployment area and a quick retrieval of tag information. We propose a distributed crosslayer solution for improving the efficiency of the RFID system in terms of collision and throughput but also its proficiency in terms of tag information routing towards one or multiple sinks. Simulation results show that we can achieve high level of throughput while maintaining a low level of collision and a fairness of reader medium access above 95% in situations where readers can be fix and mobile, while tag information is routed with a data rate of 97% at worst and reliable delays for considered applications. [29] proposes cross-layer solutions meant for both scheduling of readers' activity to avoid collisions, and a multihop routing towards base stations, to gather read tag data. This routing is performed with a data priority aware mechanism allowing end-to-end delay reduction of urgent data packets delivery up to 13% faster compared to standard ones. Using fuzzy logic, we combine several observed metrics to reduce the load of forwarding nodes and improve latency as well as data rate. We validate our proposal running simulations on industrial and urban scenarios.
All these solutions have also been detailed in [11].