Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives


Participants : Nathalie Mitton, Valeria Loscri [correspondant] , Antonio Costanzo, Ibrahim Amadou.

  • Title: StoreConnect

  • Type: FUI

  • Duration: September 2016 - October 2018

  • Coordinator: NEOSENSYS

  • Others partners: Inria FUN, SPIRALS and STARS, TeVolys, Ubudu, Smile, STIME, Leroy Merlin

  • The aim of StoreConnect is to provide French large retailers with efficient and powerful tools in the in-store customer interaction. This project has yielded to several publications in 2018: [39], [38], [24], [40].


Participants : Nathalie Mitton [correspondant] , Farouk Mezghani.

  • Title: Partager de l'Info PArtout à bas coût

  • Type: Chercheur citoyen

  • Duration: Dec 2015 - Aug 2018

  • Coordinator: Inria FUN

  • Others partners: SpotTrotter

  • PIPA project aims to provide an innovative low cost solution to share information in places where communication infrastructure are lacking, insuffisant or not adapted, going beyond technical, economical or political limitations. This project has yield to several publications in 2018: [31], [19], [30].