Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • N. Tabareau has co-organized (with Matthieu Sozeau) the Coq Workshop as part of FLoC 2018.

  • A. Mahboubi has co-chaired (with Jeremy Avigad) the ITP 2018 conference, part of FLoC 2018.

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • A. Mahboubi has co-organized (with Andrej Bauer, Martin Escardó and Peter Le Fanu Lumsdaine) the Dagsthul seminar 19341, Formalization of Mathematics in Type Theory.

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees
  • A. Mahboubi has served in the FLoC 2018 Program Committee and Workshops Committee.

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • N. Tabareau has been a member of the program committee of FSCD'18 and ICFP'18 (External Review Committee).

  • A. Mahboubi has been a member of the program committee of the CPP 2018 and CICM 2018 conferences, and of the TYPES 2018 and HOTT/UF 2018 workshops.

  • N. Tabareau has served as an external reviewer for MFCS'18, WoLLIC'18.

  • A. Mahboubi has served as external reviewer for the post-proceedings of TYPES 2017.


Member of the Editorial Boards
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • A. Mahboubi has served as reviewer for the Journal of Automated Reasoning, and for the Annals of Mathematics and Artifical Intelligence.

  • G. Munch-Maccagnoni has served as reviewer for the Journal of Automated Reasoning, and for Logical Methods in Computer Science.

Invited Talks

  • A. Mahboubi has given an invited talk at the conference in honour of Thomas C. Hales on the occasion of his 60th birthday.

  • A. Mahboubi has given an invited course at the Journées Nationales du Calcul Formel 2018.

  • A. Mahboubi has given an invited course at the 19th Journées Louis Antoine.

  • A. Mahboubi and G. Munch-Maccagnoni have given invited talks in the seminar organized by Xavier Leroy at the Collège de France in December.

  • G. Munch-Maccagnoni has given an invited talk at the Journées Inaugurales du GT Scalp in November.

  • G. Munch-Maccagnoni has given an invited talk at the seminar of the Celtique team in Rennes in October.

  • G. Munch-Maccagnoni has given an invited talk at the seminar of the Gallium team in Paris in June.

  • G. Munch-Maccagnoni has given an invited talk at the Logic and Semantics seminar at the University of Cambridge in June.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • A. Mahboubi is a member of the scientific committee of the GdR Informatique-Mathématiques.

  • A. Mahboubi is MC member for the COST Action CA15123 EUTypes, and a member of the core managment group of the project. She is leading the working group “Type-Theoretic Tools”.

Research Administration

  • A. Mahboubi has served in the Inria commitee examining the “Candidatures en détachements”.

  • A. Mahboubi has served as internal examiner in the jury of two “Maître de conférence” positions at Université de Nantes.

  • A. Mahboubi has served in the jury of an assistant professor position in computer science at Stockholm University (Sweden).