Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • D. Augot was in the program committee of FAB 2018, Foundations and Applications of Blockchain, Los Angeles.

  • D. Augot was in the program committee of WTSC 2018, Workshop on Trusted Smart Contracts, Curaçao.

  • D. Augot was in the program committee of WAIFI 2018, Workshop on the Arithmetic of Finite Fields, Bergen, Norway.

  • D. Augot was in the program committee of BCT 2018, International Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology, in conjunction with ESORICS 2018, Barcelona.

  • A. Couvreur was in the program committee of the Journées codes et cryptographie (C2) 2018.

  • D. Augot: ISIT 2018 (International Symposium on Information Theory)

  • B. Smith: ANTS 2018, Indocrypt 2018, PKC 2019


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • F. Morain is member of the editorial board of the Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, Springer.

  • With Thomas Johansson, Marine Minier, Faina Soloveva, Victor Zinonviev, D. Augot is guest editor for a special issue of Designs, Codes and Cryptography, devoted to WCC2017, Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, St Petersburg, Russia.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • A. Couvreur: Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Asiacrypt 2018, IEEE Transactions on information theory, Advances in Mathematics of communication, etc...

  • J. Lavauzelle: Designs, Codes and Cryptography (special issue WCC 2017)

  • B. Smith: Designs, Codes, and Cryptography, Finite Fields and their Applications, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Mathematics of Computation,

Invited Talks

  • D. Augot was an invited speaker of the Munich Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (MWCC) 2018

  • D. Augot was an invited speaker at ACA 2018, Application of Computer Algebra, Santiago de Compostela

  • D. Augot was invited at Dasgsthul Seminar 18511, Algebraic Coding Theory for Networks, Storage, and Security, and gave here a talk.

  • B. Smith was an invited speaker at the International Workshop on the Arithmetic of Finite Fields (WAIFI 2018) (Bergen, Norway).

  • B. Smith was an invited speaker at the Journées Codage et Cryptographie 2018 (Aussois, France).

Industrial Show

  • F. Levy-dit-Vehel demoed our Private Information Retrieval protocol at “FIC”, International Security Forum, Lille, January 2018.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • D. Augot is member of the scientific committee of the C2-CCA seminar, held three or four times a year, with a France wide audience, and which is the seminar of “groupe de travail” C2 “codage et cryptographie” of the GDR IM “groupement de recherche informatique mathématique”.

  • D. Augot is leading the scientific committee of the blocksem seminar of Plateau de Saclay.

Scientific Expertise

  • A. Couvreur was evaluator for research grants attribution by university of Crete.

Research Administration

  • F. Morain is vice-head of the Département d'informatique of Ecole Polytechnique; in charge of years 1 and 2 for Computer Science courses.

  • F. Morain is member of the Board of Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI).

  • A. Couvreur is member of Inria Saclay Commission Scientifique.

  • D. Augot was member of the jury for two Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes positions

  • D. Augot was member of the jury for a position at Institut Mines-Télécom.