Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


The AJACS project (Analyses of JavaScript Applications: Certification & Security) is funded by the ANR for 42 months, starting December 2014. The goal of the AJACS project is to provide strong security and privacy guarantees on the client side for web application scripts. The Indes members Tamara Rezk and Nataliia Bielova are involved in the tasks WP2 Certified Analyses and WP3 Security of JavaScript Applications. The partners of this project include Inria teams Celtique (coordinator), Toccata, and Prosecco.


The CISC project (Certified IoT Secure Compilation) is funded by the ANR for 42 months, starting in April 2018. The goal of the CISC project is to provide strong security and privacy guarantees for IoT applications by means of a language to orchestrate IoT applicatoins from the microcontroller to the cloud. Tamara Rezk coordinates this project, and Manuel Serrano, Ilaria Castellani and Nataliia Bielova participate in the project. The partners of this project are Inria teams Celtique, Indes and Privatics, and Collège de France.

ANR PrivaWeb

The PrivaWeb project (Privacy Protection and ePrivacy Compliance for Web Users) is funded by the ANR JCJC program for 42 months, starting in December 2018. PrivaWeb aims at developing new methods for detection of new Web tracking technologies and new tools to integrate in existing Web applications that seamlessly protect privacy of users. Nataliia Bielova coordinates this project.


The 3 years long UCF project aims at developing a reactive Web platforms for delivering multimedia contents. The partners of the project are the startups Alterway, OCamlPro, and XWiki, and the academic research laboratories of University Pierre et Marie Curie, and Denis Diderot. Manuel Serrano participates in this project.