Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
F. Capelli: workshop organisation of Graph and Constraints (27/08) within the conference Constraint Programming (CP) 2018, Lille.
F. Capelli: organisation of annual meeting of GT ALGA (Groupe de Travail Automata, Logic, Games, Algebra of CNRS) the 15th and 16th of October at Lille.
Scientific Events Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
J. Niehren was is was chair of the Program Committee of WPTE 2018.
J. Niehren was is was co-chair of the Program Committee of WPTE 2019.
Member of the Conference Program Committees
F. Capelli: member of Program Committee of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2018.
F. Capelli: member of Program Committee of workshop Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF) within FLoC conference (Federated Logic Conference).
F. Capelli: member of Program Committee of workshop Graph and Constraints, 2018.
Member of the Editorial Boards
S. Salvati is managing editor of JoLLI (Journal for Logic, Language and Information).
S. Tison is in the editorial committee of RAIRO-ITA (Theoretical Informatics and Applications).
Invited Talks
B. Guillon gave invited talks at Mid-term Meeting of ANR Delta in Bordeaux in December 2018.
A. Lemay gave invited talks at Mid-term Meeting of ANR Delta in Bordeaux in December 2018.
Joachim Niehren gave an invited talk at the American University of Palestine in August 2018.
F. Capelli get invited to talk at seminars of CRIL at Lens, LACL in Créteil and VALDA in Paris.
Scientific Expertise
S. Tison: member of coordinator of i-SIte ULNE, about innovation and relationship with social economical world.
J. Niehren is member of the board of the committee of project-teams of Inria Lille.