Section: New Results
An Assertion-Based Program Logic for Probabilistic Programs
Participants : Benjamin Grégoire, Gilles Barthe [IMDEA] , Thomas Espitau [UPMC Paris 6] , Marco Gaboardi [University at Buffalo, SUNY] , Justin Hsu [University of Pennsylvania] , Pierre-Yves Strub [Ecole Polytechnique] .
We have developed Ellora, a sound and relatively complete assertion-based program logic, and demonstrate its expressivity by verifying several classical examples of randomized algorithms using an implementation in the EasyCrypt proof assistant. Ellora features new proof rules for loops and adversarial code, and supports richer assertions than existing program logics. We also show that Ellora allows convenient reasoning about complex probabilistic concepts by developing a new program logic for probabilistic independence and distribution law, and then smoothly embedding it into Ellora. This is described in article [14].