Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees

Yves Bertot is member of steering committee for the conferences ITP, CPP and UITP.

Yves Bertot organized the Coq Implementor's Workshop in May in Nice, France, where Cyril Cohen, Maxime Dénès, and Enrico Tassi also brought support to newcomers.

Laurence Rideau Organized a meeting of the ANR FastRelax project in June in Sophia Antipolis. There were presentations by Sophie Bernard, Yves Bertot, Cyril Cohen, Damien Rouhling, Laurent Théry during this meeting.

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees

Benjamin Grégoire was a Program Committee member for CSF 2018 and JFLA 2019. Enrico Tassi was a Program Committee member for CPP 2019, ITP 2018, UITP 2018, F-IDE 2018. Laurent Théry was a Program Committee member for AISC, CPP 2019, ITP 2018, and UITP 2018. Yves Bertot was a Program Committee member for AISC, CICM, FMM, and UITP.


Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

Laurent Théry was a reviewer for Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Applied Logic, and Science of Computer Programming. Cyril Cohen was a reviewer for Journal of Automated Reasoning and Mathematical Structures in Computer Science. Enrico Tassi was a reviewer for ACM Transactions on Computational Logic and Journal of Automated Reasoning. Yves Bertot was a reviewer for Journal of Automated Reasoning.

Invited Talks

Cyril Cohen gave an invited talk on formalizing robotics in January in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

Cyril Cohen gave an invited talk on asymptotic reasoning in June in Pittsburgh, USA.

Cyril Cohen gave an invited talk at the workshop Lean User Group in November in Freiburg, Germany.

Benjamin Grégoire gave an invited talk at the “journées nationales du GDR sécurité” (national days of the CNRS research group on security) in May in Paris, France.

Benjamin Grégoire gave an invited tutorial at the CHES conference (Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems) in September in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Enrico Tassi gave a four-hour tutorial at the EUTypes Summer School in August in Ohrid, Macedonia (https://sites.google.com/view/2018eutypesschool/home)

Enrico Tassi gave an invited talk at the ML workshop in September in Saint Louis, Missouri, USA on “ELPI: an extension language with binders and unification variables”.

Yves Bertot gave an invited talk at the ICTAC conference in October in Stellenbosch, South Africa on “Formal Verification of a Geometry Algorithm: A Quest for Abstract Views and Symmetry in Coq Proofs”. He also gave a half-day tutorial on Coq.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

We organized two one-week courses on the Coq system, both tagged as entry-level, on Coq and Coq and the Mathematical Components library.

Scientific Expertise

Yves Bertot was part of the review committee for the French Haut Commissariat pour l'Évaluation de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur for the CNRS laboratory SAMOVAR in Evry, France.

Research Administration

  • José Grimm is a member of the local committee for hygiene and work safety.

  • Yves Bertot was a member of the "Bureau du comité des projets" until June.

  • Benjamin Grégoire is a member of the committee on computer tool usage (CUMI) for the Sophia-Antipolis Méditerranée Inria center.

  • Laurence Rideau was a member of the hiring committee for researchers in Sophia Antipolis.