Section: New Software and Platforms

SofaCV Plugin

Keywords: Simulation - Visualization - Image processing

Functional Description: SofaCV is a plugin for the simulation framework SOFA. Its purpose is to provide computer vision tools to SOFA. More specifically, its goal is to enable the use of SOFA simulations in augmented reality, and virtual reality applications. The SofaCV plugin is not a standalone plugin by itself. Instead it provides an API for submodules (mainly Sofa's ImageProcessing and DataAcquisition plugin) such as base datatypes, Python bindings, SofaQtQuick widgets etc, along with some utility SOFA Components to read, write or display an image in the scene view.

The ImageProcessing plugin is a plugin for the simulation framework SOFA. Its purpose is to provide general purpose Computer vision features to Sofa. More specifically, its goal is to enable the use of SOFA simulations in augmented reality, and virtual reality applications. The ImageProcessing plugin depends on the SofaCV Base plugin. The ImageProcessing plugin doesn't have the ambition to provide cutting-edge computer vision algorithms, but instead, wraps OpenCV's features while taking advantage of SOFA's Component-based API. This plugin also provides useful Camera components, providing on-the-fly conversions from/to OpenGL & OpenCV's camera calibration parameters. (calibrating cameras, modifying both intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters in OpenGL)