Section: Dissemination


Internal or external Inria responsibilities

Thierry Viéville is in charge of mission regarding e-education in particular the collaborations with the UCA university on these subjects, more precisely the LINE laboratory ESPE of Nice where he is affected at 20%, for the creation and co-direction of the MSc and the relation with EducAzur, and the actions within the Class´Code project.

Articles and contents


F. Alexandre: Teaching to the high-school professors in Philosophy of the academy of Poitiers about Artificial Intelligence (April, 25); Thierry Viéville has realized more than ten session of formation (over 400 teachers involved) within the scope of the Class´Code project, and co-organized two of them.


  • National events: participation of the team on the NeuroCampus to the Week of the Brain (Semaine du Cerveau: March 19-23); to the Declics program for high-schools (http://www.cerclefser.org/fr/declics/, Nov. 22); Fête de la Science at Inria Bordeaux and Cap Sciences in October: The humanoid Nao robot was listening to the instructions and learning names of objects. This demo was performed by X. Hinaut and A. Strock with a German collaborator from the University of Hamburg (J. Twiefel).

  • Public exhibitions:

    • “Brain and Artificial Intelligence” at Regional Headquarters in Limoges (Feb. 2);

    • “What is the usefulness of Artificial Intelligence ?” at Café des Sciences in Soustons (Dec. 12) (F. Alexandre);

    • Science pour tous (Bordeaux), Machine learning (Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux), AI Unplugged (Bordeaux), Déambulation autour de l'IA (Bordeaux), L’intelligence artificielle en question (Paris) (N. Rougier);

    • Participation to the Neurocampus Day (S. Pagliarini, poster “Learning an inverse model for vocal production: toward a bio-inspired model”);

    • Thierry Viéville: Interventions on artificial Intelligence and the development of critical thinking on large audience popularization events (Universcience, Médiathèque de Bordeaux, Semaine du Cerveau, Fête de la Science, Select Sophia-Antipolis, more than 200 persons involved) and three interactive talks in high-school (more than 150 students involved).

    • T. Firmo Drumond and B. Teja Nallapu prepared and presented a demo for the 10 years of the Bordeaux Inria Centre (September 27).

    • N. Rougier and X. Hinaut participated to a theater performance on AI, showing the state of work of an artistic residence in November.

Internal action

  • Internal meetings: T. Firmo Drumond presented Deep Learning to the Inria Bordeaux Café des Sciences (March 22);

  • Nicolas Rougier gave a talk about scientifc fraud and misconduct at the institute of neurodegenerative diseases.

Creation of media or tools for science outreach

Thanks to fundings from the Bordeaux Museum of Science Cap Sciences (http://www.cap-sciences.net/) and from the Foundation Blaise Pascal (https://www.fondation-blaise-pascal.org/), we have begun to design a software tool to run small demonstrative scenarios, to help everyone discover the brain functions at the origin of our sensorimotor and vital cognitive behaviors (instinctive and motivated behavior, selection of embodied action, emotional decision-making, seat of self-awareness, etc.). This resource is for a wide audience to whom we can show scenarios, but also co-build multi-media resources to share methods and knowledge (participatory scientific mediation approach) and to discuss these topics. It is also at the disposal of scientific mediators (researchers and beyond) who wish to co-construct such resources, or to present research results involving the animation of anatomy of the nervous system as well as of users or authors of computer code who want to reuse shared technologies to derive other applications, in particular become familiar with the specification languages ​​(here JSON and markdown).