Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Emmanuel Jeandel organized with three other colleagues the “Jeunes-Chercheurs” school of GDR IM.
Frédéric Dupuis and Simon Perdrix organized the “Journées informatique quantique” in Nancy, Novembre 2018.
Nazim Fatès and Irène Marcovici organised a “Journée Charles Hermite” on the theme "Cellular automata and dynamics on networks" (Nancy, Decembre 2018).
Member of the Organizing Committees
Mathieu Hoyrup is member of the Steering Committee of the Conference Series Computability in Europe (CiE) for the period 2017-2021.
Simon Perdrix is in the Scientific Board of the Colloquium IQFA (Montpellier, Novembre 2018).
Nazim Fatès is a member of the steering committee of the Summer Solstice Conference on Discrete Models of Complex Systems.
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Mathieu Hoyrup was PC member of the workshop Continuity, Computability, Constructivity - From Logic to Algorithms (CCC) 2018, Faro, September 2018.
Emmanuel Jeandel and Simon Perdrix were PC members of MCU 2018 (
Romain Péchoux was PC member of the workshop DICE 2018 (
Frédéric Dupuis was PC member of QCrypt 2018 ( and QIP 2019 (
Nazim Fatès was a PC member of Automata 2018 and ACRI 2018.
Member of the Editorial Boards
Emmanuel Jeandel is member of the editorial board of RAIRO-ITA (Revue d'Automatique, d'Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle: Informatique théorique et applications).
Romain Péchoux is guest editor for a Theoretical Computer Science special issue on Implicit Computational Complexity (
Nazim Fatès is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of cellular automata.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Mathieu Hoyrup reviewed articles for Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Information and Computation, and Theoretical Computer Science.
Romain Péchoux reviewed articles for Information Processing Letters, Journal of Automated Reasoning and Theoretical Computer Science.
Frédéric Dupuis reviewed articles for Nature Communications, Quantum, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Physical Review A, Journal of Physics A, and the Journal of Mathematical Physics.
Nazim Fatès reviewed articles on cellular automata for the Journal of cellular automata, Physical Review A, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals and Informatica.
Invited Talks
Mathieu Hoyrup was invited to give a talk at the special session Continuous Computation at CiE 2018.
Nazim Fatès was invited to give a talk on artificial intelligence in the “Colloque Cathy Dufour 2018” held in Nancy in November 2018.
Scientific Expertise
Romain Péchoux was expert for the European Commission H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships.
Nazim Fatès served as an expert for the Chilean national institute of research CONICYT.
Research Administration
Simon Perdrix is the Scientific Secretary of the CoNRS Section 6. He was in the panel of the CR and DR recruitments at CNRS section 6.
Frédéric Dupuis is on the board of the Fédération Charles-Hermite (Université de Lorraine).
Nazim Fatès is the vice-chair of the IFIP Working group 1.5 on cellular automata and discrete complex systems.