MODAL - 2018
Overall Objectives
Application Domains
New Results
Overall Objectives
Application Domains
New Results

Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair

Pascal Germain and Benjamin Guedj are the organizers of the https://modal.lille.inria.fr/wikimodal/doku.php?id=seminarsModal team scientific seminar.

Sophie Dabo-Niang is a co-organizer of the 2nd Conference on Econometrics for Environment.

Sophie Dabo-Niang, Cristian Preda and Vincent Vandewalle are the organizers of a session on “Functional Data Analysis” for the conference COMPSTAT 2018.

Vincent Vandewalle is the organizer of a session on advances in model based clustering for the conference ERCIM 2018.

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees

Sophie Dabo-Niang is the chair of the Scientific Committee of CIMOM18.

Member of the Conference Program Committees

Christophe Biernacki is a member of the program committee of MBC2, an international workshop on Model-Based Clustering and Classification (http://mbc2.unict.it).

Cristian Preda was a member of the Scientific Committee of the 9th International Workshop on Applied Probability, IWAP 2018, 18-21 June Budapest, Hungary (https://iwap2018.com).


Pascal Germain acted as a reviewer for NIPS 2018, ICML 2018, ICLR 2018, CAp 2018.

Benjamin Guedj served as a reviewer for the top-tier conferences in machine learning ALT 2018, AISTATS 2018, NIPS 2018, ICML 2018, ICLR 2018. He also served as a reviewer for journals (Electronic Journal of Statistics, Journal of Machine Learning Research).

Sophie Dabo-Niang acted as a reviewer for JNP, JSPI, JRSSB, Spatial Statistics, Journal of SFDS, JMVA, ...

Christophe Biernacki acted as a reviewer for a dozen international statistical journals (CSDA, STCO, JMLR, IEEE PAMI, ...).

Serge Iovleff acted as a reviewer for Journal of Statistics and Computing.

Vincent Vandewalle acted as a reviewer for Statistics in Medicine, ADAC and Journal de la SFdS.

Alain Celisse acted as a reviewer for the Annals of Statistics, Bernoulli, JMLR, EJS, JSPI, Artificial Intelligence, ...

Cristian Preda acted as a reviewer for TEST, MCAP, JASA and Bernoulli.


Member of the Editorial Boards

Christophe Biernacki is an Associate Editor of the North-Western European Journal of Mathematics (NWEJM) and for Frontiers on the topic “Computational Methods for Data Analytics”. He is also a Guest Editor for the Special Issue on Innovations in Model-Based Clustering and Classification of the journal Advances Data Analysis and Classification (ADAC).

Cristian Preda is an Associate editor of the Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability Journal.

Invited Talks

Christophe Biernacki gave several invited talks:

  • One talk at the international conference Compstat 2018

  • Four talks at the Summer School on Clustering, Data Analysis and Visualization of Complex Data, May 2018, Catania, Italy [21][22][23][30]

  • Two talks at the Research Summer School on Statistics for Data Science – S4D, June 15th-22th 2018, Caen, France [32] [31]

  • One talk at the international conference ERCIM 2018 [33]

Vincent Vandewalle:

  • Invited talk at the international conference Compstat 2018 [25]

  • Invited talk at the international conference ERCIM 2018

  • Seminar of the EA 2694 (Université de Lille), Lille, France

Alain Celisse:

  • ERCIM, Pise, 15 December 2018

  • IWAP, Budapest, July 2018

  • WeierstraßInstitute, Berlin, 2018

Pascal Germain:

  • Journée Lilloise de Probabilité et Statistiques, Lille, France, 22 June, 2018

  • Séminaire de l'équipe PS, Laboratoire Painlevé (University of Lille), Villeneuve d'Ascq France, 9 May, 2018

Benjamin Guedj:

  • December 2018, GreekStochastics κ , Athens, Greece

  • December 2018, 11th International Conference of the ERCIM working group on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2018) (invited talk), Pisa, Italy

  • September 2018, 2nd Italian-French Statistics Seminar (invited talk), Grenoble, France

  • June 2018, 2nd annual congress of the French Mathematical Society (invited talk), Lille, France

Cristian Preda:

  • One-Dimensional Discrete Scan Statistics Associated to Some Dependent Models, 5th Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis International Conference. 12 - 16 June 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece

Leadership within the Scientific Community

Sophie Dabo-Niang is vice-chair of EMS-CDC.

Till May 2018, Christophe Biernacki was the president of the data mining and learning group of the French statistical association (SFdS, http://www.sfds.asso.fr/).

Since May 2018, Benjamin Guedj has served as president of the Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence group (MALIA) of the French Statistical association (SFdS, http://www.sfds.asso.fr/).

Since 2017, Benjamin Guedj has been serving as a member of the boards of SFdS and AMIES.

Scientific Expertise

Guillemette Marot reviewed one project as an expert for the ANR and another one for ANSES.

Research Administration

Sophie Dabo-Niang is in charge of the MeQAME axis of the laboratory LEM, CNRS 9221.

Christophe Biernacki has been “Délégué Scientifique” of the Inria Lille center since June 2017.