Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Grants with Industry
Participants: Laureline Perotin, Romain Serizel, Emmanuel Vincent
Abstract: This CIFRE contract funds the PhD thesis of Laureline Perotin with Orange Labs. Our goal is to develop deep learning based speaker localization and speech enhancement algorithms for robust hands-free voice command. We are especially targeting difficult scenarios involving several simultaneous speakers.
Participants: Guillaume Carbajal, Romain Serizel, Emmanuel Vincent
Abstract: This CIFRE contract funds the PhD thesis of Guillaume Carbajal. Our goal is to design a unified end-to-end deep learning based speech enhancement system that integrates all steps in the current speech enhancement chain (acoustic echo cancellation and suppression, dereverberation, and denoising) for improved hands-free voice communication.
Ministère des Armées
Abstract: This contract corresponds to the PhD thesis of Raphaël Duroselle on the application of deep learning techniques for domain adaptation in speech processing.