Section: New Results
Explicit Modeling of Speech Production and Perception
Participants : Anne Bonneau, Vincent Colotte, Denis Jouvet, Yves Laprie, Slim Ouni, Agnès Piquard-Kipffer, Théo Biasutto-Lervat, Sara Dahmani, Ioannis Douros, Valérian Girard, Thomas Girod, Anastasiia Tsukanova.
Articulatory modeling
Articulatory models and synthesis
Since articulatory modeling, i.e. representing the geometry of the vocal tract with a small number of parameters, is a key issue in articulatory synthesis the improvement of the articulatory models remains an important objective. This year we put emphasis on thin articulators as the epiglottis and velum. Indeed, the delineation of those contours often leads to erroneous transverse dimensions (too thin or too thick contours) which generates some artificial swelling deformations. Before the determination of the deformation modes, the central lines of the velum and epiglottis are extracted in the images use to build the model. The deformation modes thus only concern the central line, which prevents artificial swelling factors to emerge from the factor analysis. A reconstruction algorithm has been developed to obtain the contour from the central line.
Acoustic simulations
One of the issues in articulatory synthesis is to assess the impact of the geometric simplifications that are made on the vocal tract so as to enable faster acoustic simulation and to decrease the number of parameters required to approximate the vocal tract shape. The other issue concerns the impact of the plane wave assumption. The idea consists of comparing the signal or spectrum synthesized via numerical acoustic simulation against the one measured on a real human subject. However, this requires that both geometric and corresponding acoustic data are available at the same time. This can be achieved with MRI data when the acquisition duration is sufficiently short to allow the speaker to phonate the sound during the whole acquisition. The MRI acquisition protocol has thus been optimized on the new Siemens Prisma MRI machine of Nancy hospital so as to reduce the acquisition time to 7 seconds, which makes it possible for the subject to produce a sound throughout the acquisition. The acoustic simulation was achieved by using the Matlab K-wave package, either from the entire 3D volume extracted from the MRI data, or from the 2D shape extracted from the mid-sagittal plane. Several simplifications have been carried out (with or without the epiglottis, with or without the velum…) so as to assess their acoustic impacts. These simulations only concern vowels because these sounds can be sustained by subjects and the MRI machine noise does not change the position of formant frequencies dramatically. This work has been carried out in cooperation with IADI laboratory.
Exploitation of dynamic articulatory data
The size of the dynamic database (recorded last year in the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen), in the form of MRI films of the mid-sagittal plane acquired at 55 Hz, is about 200.000 images. Even if the long term objective is to exploit the whole database, efforts were dedicated to manual delineation of contours in some films with the idea of using those data to train a machine learning technique. Several students were trained, and in total more than 1000 images have been delineated. The corresponding films have been exploited to achieve articulatory copy synthesis by improved acoustic simulations developed last year.
Acoustic-to-articulatory inversion
Deriving articulatory dynamics from the acoustic speech signal is a recurrent topic in our team. This year, we have investigated whether it is possible to predict articulatory dynamics from phonetic information without having the acoustic speech signal. The input data may be considered as not sufficiently rich acoustically, as there is probably no explicit coarticulation information, but we expect that the phonetic sequence provides compact yet rich knowledge. We have experimented a recurrent neural network architecture, where we have trained the model with an electromagnetic articulography (EMA) corpus, and have obtained good performances similar to the state-of-the-art articulatory inversion from line spectral frequencies (LSF) features [21].
Expressive acoustic and visual synthesis
Expressive speech
A comparison between emotional speech and neutral speech has been carried on using a small corpus of acted speech. The analysis was focused on the way pronunciations and prosodic parameters are modified in emotional speech, compared to neutral style [20].
Experiments with deep learning-based approaches for expressive speech synthesis are described in
Expressive audiovisual synthesis and lipsync
This year, we have acquired audiovisual 3D corpus (using the optitrack system, using 8 cameras) for a set of emotions acted by a professional actress. We recorded 6 basic emotions: joy, fear, disgust, sadness, anger, surprise; in addition to neutral speech. The corpus contains 5000 utterances (2000 utterances for the neutral speech and 500 utterances per emotion). The visual and acoustic data have been processed, segmented and labeled spatially and temporally. An important aspect of the work was to study the evaluation of the quality of the animation of a 3D talking head where the animation is generated from the acquired 3D data. For this purpose, we studied the relevance of root mean square error (RMSE) measure which is classically used to evaluate the error of the prediction. Our preliminary results confirmed that RMSE can be irrelevant in our field, as we may not reach critical articulatory target, and we still obtain very low RMSE. Thus the audiovisual intelligibility of the system would be low. To improve the results, we have worked on improving the 3D model controls using better key-shapes and reduced redundant and confusing blendshapes.
The processed neutral-speech data have been used to train a deep neural network to predict from speech and linguistic information the trajectories of the animation controls of the talking head, which is the core of the lipsync system. We have also used this expressive-speech data to train a DNN-based TTS to synthesize expressive audiovisual speech from text. Currently, we are performing extensive testing and validation of the results.
Categorization of sounds and prosody for native and non-native speech
Visual clues in speech perception and production
We continue our research focused on the importance of multimodal speech combining oral and visual clues. We investigated identification and production of morpho-syntactic skills in ten deaf children (severe with cochlear implant using French cued-speech LPC - Langue française Parlée Complétée) and ten age-matched children with typical development. Our goal was to examine the production of morpho-syntactic structures in auditory channel versus audiovisual speech. Five conditions were observed: audiovisual conditions with a 3D avatar speaking or coding oral language with LPC versus a human speaker with or without LPC and auditory channel. We used the 3D avatar coding set up in the ADT Handicom project. Statistical analysis and interpretation of results is ongoing.
Reading and related skills norms
We set-up standardized norms on the development of reading and related skills in French: EVALEC Primaire software (in collaboration with the LPC - Laboratoire de Psycholologie Cognitive, UMR 7290, Aix-Marseille Université). This year, LPC collected new data at the end of grade 5 (about 100 children) and added them to those previously collected at the end of grades 1–4, about 100 children for each level [69]. EVALEC primaire software includes five tests focused on written word processing, recording both accuracy scores and processing time (time latency and vocal response duration for the reading aloud tests). EVALEC primaire software also includes tests of phonemic and syllabic awareness, phonological short-term memory, and rapid naming. These data would allow researchers and speech therapists to assess the reading and reading-related skills of dyslexic children as compared to average readers.
Analysis of non-native pronunciations
We have examined the effects of L1/L2 interferences at the segmental level, and of the lack of fluency at the sentence level, on the realizations of French final fricatives by German learners. Due to L1/L2 interference, German speakers tend to devoice French final fricatives. A well-known effect of the lack of L2 mastering is the decrease of the speech articulation rate, which lengthens the average duration of segments. In order to better apprehend the impact of categorization and fluency, we selected four series of consonants from the IFCASL corpus, i.e. voiced and unvoiced fricatives uttered by French native and German non-native speakers. The realizations of French unvoiced consonants uttered by German speakers are essentially dependent on fluency, whereas the realizations of voiced consonants by the same speakers are dependent on both fluency and categorization. We evaluated a set of acoustic cues related to the voicing distinction -including consonant duration and periodicity-, and submitted the data to a hierarchical clustering analysis. Results, discussed as a function of speaker's level and prosodic boundaries, confirmed the mutual importance of fluency and segmental categorization on non-native realizations [22].
Within the METAL project, work is on-going for integrating speech processing technology in an application to help learning foreign language and for experimenting it with middle and high school students learning German. This includes tutoring aspects using a talking head to show proper articulation of words and sentences; as well as using automatic tools derived from speech recognition technology, for analyzing student pronunciations. Preliminary experiments have shown the poor quality of speech signals recorded from groups of students in classrooms.