Section: Research Program
Current simulation approaches
Even though the growing need for effective nanosystem design will still increase the demand for simulation, a lot of research has already gone into the development of efficient simulation algorithms. Typically, two approaches are used: (a) increasing the computational resources (use super-computers, computer clusters, grids, develop parallel computing approaches, etc.), or (b) simulating simplified physics and/or models. Even though the first strategy is sometimes favored, it is expensive and, it could be argued, inefficient: only a few supercomputers exist, not everyone is willing to share idle time from their personal computer, etc. Surely, we would see much less creativity in cars, planes, and manufactured objects all around if they had to be designed on one of these scarce super-resources.
The second strategy has received a lot of attention. Typical approaches to speed up molecular mechanics simulation include lattice simulations [89], removing some degrees of freedom (e.g. keeping torsion angles only [62], [84]), coarse-graining [87], [81], [35], [82], multiple time step methods [75], [76], fast multipole methods [48], parallelization [61], averaging [43], multi-scale modeling [42], [39], reactive force fields [41], [92], interactive multiplayer games for predicting protein structures [46], etc. Until recently, quantum mechanics methods, as well as mixed quantum / molecular mechanics methods were still extremely slow. One breakthrough has consisted in the discovery of linear-scaling, divide-and-conquer quantum mechanics methods [90], [91].
Overall, the computational community has already produced a variety of sophisticated simulation packages, for both classical and quantum simulation: ABINIT, AMBER, CHARMM, Desmond, GROMOS and GROMACS, LAMMPS, NAMD, ROSETTA, SIESTA, TINKER, VASP, YASARA, etc. Some of these tools are open source, while some others are available commercially, sometimes via integrating applications: Ascalaph Designer, BOSS, Discovery Studio, Materials Studio, Maestro, MedeA, MOE, NanoEngineer-1, Spartan, etc. Other tools are mostly concerned with visualization, but may sometimes be connected to simulation packages: Avogadro, PyMol, VMD, Zodiac, etc. The nanoHUB network also includes a rich set of tools related to computational nanoscience.
To the best of our knowledge, however, all methods which attempt to speed up dynamics simulations perform a priori simplification assumptions, which might bias the study of the simulated phenomenon. A few recent, interesting approaches have managed to combine several levels of description (e.g. atomistic and coarse-grained) into a single simulation, and have molecules switch between levels during simulation, including the adaptive resolution method [71], [72], [73], [74], the adaptive multiscale method [68], and the adaptive partitioning of the Lagrangian method [56]. Although these approaches have demonstrated some convincing applications, they all suffer from a number of limitations stemming from the fact that they are either ad hoc methods tuned to fix specific problems (e.g. fix density problems in regions where the level of description changes), or mathematically founded methods that necessitate to “calibrate” potentials so that they can be mixed (i.e. all potentials have to agree on a reference point). In general, multi-scale methods, even when they do not allow molecules to switch between levels of detail during simulation, have to solve the problem of rigorously combining multiple levels of description (i.e. preserve statistics, etc.), of assigning appropriate levels to different parts of the simulated system (“simplify as much as possible, but not too much”), and of determining computable mappings between levels of description (especially, adding back detail when going from coarse-grained descriptions to fine-grained descriptions).