Overall Objectives
Overall Objectives

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

Declared Inria International Partners : BIOTOOLS
  • Title: Novel Computational Tools for Structural Bioinformatics

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • MIPT (Russia (Russian Federation)) - Department of Control and Applied Mathematics - Vadim Strijov

  • Duration: 2016 - 2020

  • Start year: 2016

  • Abstract : The general scientific objectives of the forthcoming collaboration are the new developments of computational tools for structural bioinformatics. In particular, we plan to collaborate on several subjects: 1. Development of tractable approximations for intractable combinatorial problems in structural biology. 2. Development of new computational tools for scattering experiments. 3. Machine learning for structural bioinformatics.

Informal International Partners
  • University of Stony Brook, lab of Dima Kozakov (USA). We have been collaborating on the development of novel protein docking methods.

  • University of Vilnius, department of Bioinformatics (Lithuania). We have been collaborating on the development of novel protein docking methods.

  • KU Copenhagen (Denmark), department of Chemistry. We collaborate on the integrative structural biology approaches.

  • Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain), Bioinformatics Unit. We collaborate on the development of computational methods for protein flexibility.

  • Francis Crick Institute, London (UK), Biomolecular Modelling Laboratory. We collaborate on the development of flexible protein docking methods.

Participation in Other International Programs

Our team has obtained the PHC Gilibert grant for a 2-year collaboration with the Vilnius University (Lithuania). Our partner is the Department of Bioinformatics, http://www.bti.vu.lt/en/departments/department-of-bioinformatics.