Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
PhD : Phd thesis defence of Minh Khoa Nguyen, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2018
Title: Efficient exploration of molecular paths from As-Rigid-As-Possible approaches and motion planning methods [67].
Thesis committee: Emmanuel Mazer, Léonard Jaillet, Stéphane Redon, Juan Cortes, Charles Robert, Dirk Stratmann.
Summary: In this dissertation, we are particularly interested in developing new methods to find for a system made of a single protein or a protein and a ligand, the pathways that allow a transition from one state to another. During a few past decades, a vast amount of computational methods has been proposed to address this problem. However, these methods still have to face two challenges: the high dimensionality of the representation space, associated to the large number of atoms in these systems, and the complexity of the interactions between these atoms. This dissertation proposes two novel methods to efficiently find relevant pathways for such biomolecular systems. The methods are fast and their solutions can be used, analyzed or improved with more specialized methods. The first proposed method generates interpolation pathways for biomolecular systems using the As-Rigid-As-Possible (ARAP) principle from computer graphics. The method is robust and the generated solutions best preserve the local rigidity of the original system. An energy-based extension of the method is also proposed, which significantly improves the solution paths. However, in the scenarios requiring complex deformations, this approach may still generate unnatural paths. Therefore, we propose a second method called ART-RRT, which combines the ARAP principle for reducing the dimensionality, with the Rapidly-exploring Random Trees from robotics for efficiently exploring possible pathways. This method not only gives a variety of pathways in reasonable time but the pathways are also low-energy and clash-free, with the local rigidity preserved as much as possible. The mono-directional and bi-directional versions of the ART-RRT method were applied for finding ligand-unbinding and protein conformational transition pathways, respectively. The results were found to be in good agreement with experimental data and other state-of-the-art solutions.
PhD : Phd thesis defence of Alexandre Hoffmann, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2018
Title: Docking Flexible Proteins using Polynomial Expansions.
Thesis committee: Valérie Perrier, Slavica Jonic, Florence Tama, Sergei Grudinin, Marc Delarue, Roland Hildebrand.
Summary: This thesis focuses on two main axes. The first axis is the development of a new method that exhaustively samples both rigid-body and collective motions computed via normal mode analysis (NMA). We first present a method that combines the advantages of the fast Fourier transform (FFT)-based exhaustive search, which samples all the conformations of a system under study on a grid, with a local optimization technique that guarantees to find the nearest optimal off-grid and flexible conformation. The algorithm first samples a quadratic approximation of a scoring function on a 6D grid. Then, the method performs the flexible search by maximizing the quadratic approximation of the cost function within a certain search space. We then present a multi-step version of our algorithm, which finds the collective motions that maximize the docking score with respect to the rigid-body degrees of freedom (DOFs). The method exhaustively samples both rigid- body and collective motions by maximizing the soft maximum over the rigid body DOFs of the docking/fitting cost function. Both methods were applied to docking problems on both real and artificial example and we were able to design a benchmark in which the “fit then refine” approach fails at finding the correct conformation while our method succeeds.
The second axis is the development of a new extrapolation of motions computed by NMA. We show that it is possible, with minimal computations, to extrapolate the instantaneous motions computed by NMA in the rotations-translations of blocks (RTB) subspace as an almost pure rotation around a certain axis. We applied this non-linear block (NOLB) method on various biological systems and were able to, firstly, retrieve biologically relevant motions and secondly, to demonstrate that the NOLB method generates structures with a better topology than a linear NMA method.
PhD : Phd thesis defence of Semeho Prince A. Edorh, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2018
Title: Incremental Algorithm for long range interactions [11].
Thesis committee: Stephane Redon, Olivier Coulaud, Matthias Bolten, Jean-Louis Barrat, Stefano Mossa, Jerôme Mathe.
Summary: Particle simulations have become an essential tool in various fields such as physics, astrophysics, biology, chemistry, climatology, and engineering, to name few. Usually, these computer simulations produce a temporal evolution of the system of interest by describing the motion of particles. In order to perform reliable simulations, we must provide an accurate description of interaction forces undergone by each particle. In most cases, these forces mirror inter-particle interactions and depend on relative coordinates of the particles. Moreover, pairwise long-range interactions are generally the cornerstone of particle simulations, an example being gravitational forces that are so essential in astrophysics. In molecular simulations, electrostatic forces are the most common illustration of long-range interactions. Furthermore, due to their computational cost, pairwise long-range interactions are the bottleneck of particle simulations. Therefore, sophisticated algorithms must be used for efficient evaluations of these interactions. In this thesis, we thus propose algorithms which may reduce the cost of long-range interactions when the studied system is governed by a particular dynamics. Precisely, these so-called «incremental» algorithms are effective for simulations where a part of the system remains frozen awhile. In particular, our algorithms will be validated on systems whose particles are governed by the so-called Adaptively Restrained Molecular Dynamics (ARMD) which is a promising approach in molecular dynamics simulations. Although several incremental algorithms introduced by this thesis will be devoted to molecular dynamics simulations, we believe that they can be generalized to all kinds of long-range interactions.
PhD in progress : Maria Kadukova, "Novel computational approaches for protein ligand interactions", Sep 2016-, supervisors: Sergei Grudinin (France) and Vladimir Chupin (MIPT, Russia).
PhD in progress : Guillaume Pagès, "Novel computational developments for protein structure prediction", Apr 2016-, supervisors: Sergei Grudinin (Inria), Valentin Gordeliy (IBS).