Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

Prof. Andrea Tosin (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) visited the team in February 2018 in the frame of the Scale-FreeBack ERC project. He gave a talk on "Control strategies for road risk mitigation in kinetic traffic modeling". He exchanged ideas with Carlos Canudas De Wit, Paolo Frasca, Stephane Mollier, Maria Laura Delle Monache and Thibault Liard.

Prof. Sandro Zampieri (Univ. Padova, Italy) visited the team in February 2018 in the frame of the Scale-FreeBack ERC project, to work with Carlos Canudas De Wit and Giacomo Casadei.

Prof. Karl Henrik Johansson (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden) visited the team in March 2018 in the frame of the Scale-FreeBack ERC project, and gave a talk on “Control of vehicle platoons and their influence on traffic”.

Prof. Dan Work (Vanderbilt University (USA)), visited the team in July 2018 to work with Maria Laura Delle Monache and Thibault Liard, in the framework of the associated team MEMENTO.

Mauro Franceschelli (University of Cagliari, Italy) visited the team in October 2018 to collaborate with P. Frasca.

Prof. Olga Lucia Quintero Montoya, Univ. EAFIT, Medellin, Colobmia, visited the team in September 2018. She worked with C. Canudas de Wit on the theoretical development of a normalized macroscopic fundamental diagram for urban traffic.

George Gunter and Raphael Stern (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Vanderbilt University (USA)) visited the team in November 2018 to work with Maria Laura Delle Monache and Thibault Liard, in the framework of the associated team MEMENTO.

Maolong Lyu is a PhD student from TU Delft (Netherlands) under the supervision of Prof. Simone Baldi. He visited the team for two months to work with M.L. Delle Monache and P. Frasca on string stability for microscopic traffic flow models describing mixed traffic (human drivers and autonomous vehicles).

Diego Deplano is a PhD student from Univ. Cagliari (Italy) under the supervision of Prof. Alessandro Giua. He is visiting the team since Sept. 2018, working with C. Canudas de Wit.


Alexandre Olikier, “Open multi-agent systems with fixed size and possibly not complete topologies’', December 2017–June 2018. Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium. Jointly advised by Paolo Frasca and Julien Hendrickx.

Visits to International Teams

Research Stays Abroad

P. Frasca is a Visiting Scientist at the IEIIT-CNR Institute, National Research Council CNR, Torino, Italy. By this collaboration, he performs research on distributed estimation in sensor networks and distributed control of social networks. He visited Torino three times in 2018.

P. Frasca is a Visiting Faculty at the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. By this collaboration, he performs research on vehicle platooning and on the dynamics of social media. He visited Enschede three times in 2018.

M. L. Delle Monache visited University of Alabama (USA) in April 2018.

M. L. Delle Monache visited Vanderbilt University (USA) in May 2018, and T. Liard visited the same university in May-June and December 2018. These visits are in the frame of the MEMENTO associate team.

F. Garin visited Rutgers University (Philadelphia, USA) in April 2018, to initiate a collaboration with Prof. Benedetto Piccoli and his students on metabolic networks.

A. Kibangou visited the University of Johannesburg (South Africa) in October 2018. During his stay, he gave a lecture to students of Department of Town and Regional Planning of Univ. of Johannesburg on Mobility and traffic management.

N. Martin visited Imura Laboratory at Tokyo University of Technology from June 20th to August 20th, in the frame of the JSPS summer program. The aim of this collaboration is to integrate controllability and/or observability notions in the network reduction problem at the core of this Ph.D. work.

M. U. B. Niazi visited Professor Jacquelien Scherpen at the University of Groningen, Netherlands, in October 2018, to work on model reduction for network systems.