Section: Research Program
Audio Signal Processing
Audio-visual fusion algorithms necessitate that the two modalities are represented in the same mathematical space. Binaural audition allows to extract sound-source localization (SSL) information from the acoustic signals recorded with two microphones. We have developed several methods, that perform sound localization in the temporal and the spectral domains. If a direct path is assumed, one can exploit the time difference of arrival (TDOA) between two microphones to recover the position of the sound source with respect to the position of the two microphones. The solution is not unique in this case, the sound source lies onto a 2D manifold. However, if one further assumes that the sound source lies in a horizontal plane, it is then possible to extract the azimuth. We used this approach to predict possible sound locations in order to estimate the direction of a speaker [2]. We also developed a geometric formulation and we showed that with four non-coplanar microphones the azimuth and elevation of a single source can be estimated without ambiguity [1]. We also investigated SSL in the spectral domain. This exploits the filtering effects of the head related transfer function (HRTF): there is a different HRTF for the left and right microphones. The interaural spectral features, namely the ILD (interaural level difference) and IPD (interaural phase difference) can be extracted from the short-time Fourier transforms of the two signals. The sound direction is encoded in these interaural features but it is not clear how to make SSL explicit in this case. We proposed a supervised learning formulation that estimates a mapping from interaural spectral features (ILD and IPD) to source directions using two different setups: audio-motor learning [7] and audio-visual learning [9].