Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

Informal International Partners
  • Collaboration with David Basin, Ralf Sasse and Lara Schmid (ETH Zurich), Cas Cremers (Univ Oxford), and Sasa Radomirovic (Univ Dundee) on the improvement of the TAMARIN prover

  • Collaboration with Constantin Catalin Dragan (Univ of Surrey), Francois Dupressoir (Univ of Surrey), and Bogdan Warinschi (Univ Bristol) on proving security of voting protocols with EasyCrypt.

  • Collaboration with Matteo Maffei (Univ Wien) on type systems for e-voting systems

  • Collaboration with Bogdan Warinschi (Univ Bristol) on defining game-based privacy for e-voting protocols

  • Collaboration with Robert Künnemann (CISPA, Germany) on the development of the SAPIC tool.

  • Collaboration with Paliath Narendran's group (SUNY Albany) on automated deduction

  • Collaboration with Hanifa Boucheneb's group (Polytechnique Montreal) on model-checking of collaborative systems

  • Collaboration with John Mullins's group (Polytechnique Montreal) on information hiding