Section: New Results
Trustworthy Distributed Queries on Personal Data using TEEs (Axis 3)
Participants : Riad Ladjel [correspondent] , Nicolas Anciaux, Philippe Pucheral, Guillaume Scerri.
The decentralized way of managing personal data in a PDMS provides a de facto protection against massive attacks usually performed on central servers. But this raises the question of how to preserve individuals' trust on their PDMS when performing global computations crossing data from multiple individuals? And how to guarantee the integrity of the final result when it has been computed by a myriad of collaborative but independent PDMSs? We study a secure decentralized computing framework where each participant gains the assurance that his data is only used for the purpose he consents to and that only the final result is disclosed. Conversely, the goal is to provides the querier with the guarantee that this result has been honesty computed, by the expected code on the expected data. A preliminary solution which capitalizes on the use of Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) at the edge of the network was presented at BDA'18 [19] and APVP'18 [20].