Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

OwnCare II-Lab (Jul 2017 - Dec 2020)

Partners: PETRUS (Inria-UVSQ), Hippocad (SME)

End 2016, the Yvelines district lauched a public call for tender to deploy an industrial solution aiming at covering the whole distinct (10.000 patients). The Hippocad company, in partnership with Inria, won this call for tender with a solution called DomYcile in May 2017 and the project was launched in July 2017. DomYcile is based on a home box combining the PlugDB hardware/software technology developed by the Petus team and a communication layer based on SigFox. Hippocad and Petrus then decided to launch a joint II-Lab (Inria Innovation Lab) named OwnCare. The objective is threefold: (1) build an industrial solution based on PlugDB and deploy it in the Yvelines district in the short-term, (2) use this Yvelines testbed to improve the solution and try to deploy it at the national/international level in the medium-term and (3) design flexible/secure/mobile personal medical folder solutions targeting individual uses rather than professional uses in the long-term. The DomYcile project with the Yvelines district has started in July 2017 and the II-Lab was officially created in January 2018.