Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
MEC 550 - Biofluid Mechanics and Mass Transport, M2, 1h30, Ecole Polytechnique (engineering school), France
Annual ZCCE workshop, M2, 1h30, College of Engineering, Swansea University
Innovations thrapeutiques: du fondamental à l'appliqué, bioengineering module, M2, 1h, Paul Brousse Hospital, France
IFSBM (Institut de Formation Supérieure BioMédicale), M2, 1h30, Marie Lannelongue Hospital, France
M2 Sciences Chirurgicales de l'Université Paris Sud, 1h30, France
PhD in progress: Ludovic Boilevin-Kayl, Modeling of cardiac implantable devices, since February 2016. Supervisors: J.-F. Gerbeau & M.A. Fernández Varela
PhD in progress: Alexandre This, Fusion data/simulation for the assessment of mitral regurgitation, since January 2016. Supervisor: J.-F. Gerbeau
PhD in progress: Chen-Yu Chiang, Transport on biological systems and some applications, since February 2016. Supervisor: M. Thiriet
PhD in progress: Felipe Galarce, Enhancing hemodynamics measurements with mathematical modeling, since December 2017. Supervisors: J.-F. Gerbeau & D. Lombardi.
PhD in progress: Fannie Maria Gerosa, Immersed boundary methods for fluid-structure interaction with topological changes, since January 2018. Supervisor: M.A. Fernández Varela
PhD in progress: David Michel, Mathematical analysis of fluid-kinetic coupled models, since September 2018. Supervisors: L. Boudin & A. Moussa
PhD in progress: Nicolas Golse, Contributions of anatomical and hemodynamic modeling of the liver in the anticipation, realization and teaching of liver surgery, since November 2018. Supervisors: E Vibert and I. Vignon-Clementel.