Section: New Results
Data-Locality Aware Dynamic Schedulers for Independent Tasks with Replicated Inputs
In this work we concentrate on a crucial parameter for efficiency in Big Data and HPC applications: data locality. We focus on the scheduling of a set of independant tasks, each depending on an input file. We assume that each of these input files has been replicated several times and placed in local storage of different nodes of a cluster, similarly of what we can find on HDFS system for example. We consider two optimization problems, related to the two natural metrics: makespan optimization (under the constraint that only local tasks are allowed) and communication optimization (under the constraint of never letting a processor idle in order to optimize makespan). For both problems we investigate the performance of dynamic schedulers, in particular the basic greedy algorithm we can for example find in the default MapReduce scheduler. First we theoretically study its performance, with probabilistic models, and provide a lower bound for communication metric and asymptotic behaviour for both metrics. Second we propose simulations based on traces from a Hadoop cluster to compare the different dynamic schedulers and assess the expected behaviour obtained with the theoretical study.
These findings have been presented at the CEBDA workshop [19].