Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits to International Teams
Marta Avalos visited Marcela Henríquez Henríquez 1 week in December 2018, Medical School, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (Chile). Travel grant from the French Embassy in Chile and the French Institute of Chile
Boris Hejblum visited the RAND Corporation for a week in July 2018 for a research collaboration with Denis Agniel (Santa-Monica, USA).
Boris Hejblum visited the MRC BSU for 10 days in October 2018 for a research collaboration with Sylvia Richardson & Paul Kirk.
Chloé Pasin visited Harvard School of Public Health on May 9-11 2018 and Columbia University, Departement of Pathology and Cell Biology on May 14-17 2018.
Mélanie Prague got invited in University of Montreal (Canada) for a 3-days research trip in the pharmacy department on December 19-22 2018 to be member of the jury comittee of the PhD defense of Steven Sanche (Effet des antirétroviraux sur la pathogénèse du VIH), as well as giving an invited talk.
Mélanie Prague spent 3 weeks in Boston as an invited researcher in Harvard School of Public Health & Department of evolutionary dynamics, Biostatistics department in January and february 2018.