Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits to International Teams

  • Marta Avalos visited Marcela Henríquez Henríquez 1 week in December 2018, Medical School, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (Chile). Travel grant from the French Embassy in Chile and the French Institute of Chile

  • Boris Hejblum visited the RAND Corporation for a week in July 2018 for a research collaboration with Denis Agniel (Santa-Monica, USA).

  • Boris Hejblum visited the MRC BSU for 10 days in October 2018 for a research collaboration with Sylvia Richardson & Paul Kirk.

  • Chloé Pasin visited Harvard School of Public Health on May 9-11 2018 and Columbia University, Departement of Pathology and Cell Biology on May 14-17 2018.

  • Mélanie Prague got invited in University of Montreal (Canada) for a 3-days research trip in the pharmacy department on December 19-22 2018 to be member of the jury comittee of the PhD defense of Steven Sanche (Effet des antirétroviraux sur la pathogénèse du VIH), as well as giving an invited talk.

  • Mélanie Prague spent 3 weeks in Boston as an invited researcher in Harvard School of Public Health & Department of evolutionary dynamics, Biostatistics department in January and february 2018.

Research Stays Abroad
  • Laura Richert spent 6 months (March-August 2018) as a visting researcher at the Heinrich Pette Institut for Experimental Virology, Research Department Virus Immunology, Hamburg, Germany (head: Marcus Altfeld).