Section: Dissemination



  • In class teaching

    • Master : Robin Genuer, teaches in the two years of the Master of Public Health (M1 Santé publique, M2 Biostatistique) and 2nd year of the "Modélisation Stochastique et Statistique" Master, University of Bordeaux.

    • Master : Boris Hejblum, teaches in the two years of the Master of Public Health (M1 Santé publique, M2 Biostatistique).

    • Master : Rodolphe Thiébaut, teaches in the two years of the Master of Public Health, and he is head of the Epidemiology specialty of the second year of the Master of Public Health.

    • Master : Laura Richert teaches in the Master of Public Health at ISPED, Univ. Bordeaux, France (M2 Biostatistiques, M2 Epidémiologie).

    • Master : Mélanie Prague teaches in the Master of Public Health at ISPED, Univ. Bordeaux, France (M2 Biostatistiques).

    • Master : Marta Avalos teaches in the two years of the Master of Public Health (M1 Santé publique, M2 Biostatistique), the two years of the Master of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, and the 2nd year of the Master of “Management international : Développement pharmaceutique, Production et Qualité opérationnelle”, Univ. of Bordeaux.

    • Master: Chloé Pasin, Laura Villain, Hadrien Lorenzo and Louis Capitaine are teaching assistants for the two years.

    • Edouard Lhomme teaches in the Master of Public Health at ISPED, Univ. Bordeaux (M2 Epidémiologie) and in the Master of Vaccinology from basic immunology to social sciences of health (University Paris-Est Créteil, UPEC)

    • Bachelor : Laura Richert teaches in PACES and DFASM1-3 for Medical degree at Univ. Bordeaux

    • Edouard Lhomme teaches in PACES and DFASM1-3 for Medical degree at Univ. Bordeaux

    • Bachelor: Mélanie Prague and Boris Hejblum teach in the third year ingenious school ENSAI, Rennes.

    • Summer School: the SISTM team member teach in the ISPED Summer school.

  • E-learning

    • Marta Avalos is head of the first year of the e-learning program of the Master of Public Health, and teaches in it.

    • Mélanie Prague teaches in the Diplôme universitaire "Méthodes statistiques de régression en épidémiologie".

    • Boris Hejblum teaches in the Diplôme universitaire "Méthodes statistiques en santé.

    • Laura Richert teaches in the Diplôme universitaire "Recherche Clinique".

    • Robin Genuer is head of the Diplôme universitaire "Méthodes statistiques en santé and participated to the IdEx Bordeaux University "Défi numérique" project "BeginR" (http://beginr.u-bordeaux.fr).


  • Master internship: Marie Alexandre, PKPD modeling in pre-clinical development, co-directed by Mélanie Prague with Nicolas Frances Roche Basel Switzerland (01/04/2018 - 31/09/2018)

  • Master internship (M1): Anthony Devaux, Gene expression analysis with the R software, directed by Boris Hejblum (01/06/2018 - 31/08/2018)

  • Master internship (M2): Roxane Coueron, Sample size estimation for a microbiome study, co-directed by Boris Hejblum with Hélène Savel, CHU Bordeaux (01/02/2018 - 31/08/2018)

  • Master internship: Marine Gauthier, Variance component test for RNA-seq data analysis, directed by Boris Hejblum (01/02/2018 - 31/07/2018)

  • Master internship: Julien Rouar, PCA for absolute and relative abundance microbiota data: survey and implementation of methods, co-directed by Marta Avalos with Cheng Soon Ong and Richard Nock, Data61, Australia (26/02/2018 - 31/08/2018)

  • PhD in progress: Marie Alexandre "Mechanistic modeling and optimization of vaccine response in HIV and Ebola", co-directed by Mélanie prague and Rodolphe Thiébaut, from Oct 2018.

  • PhD in progress: Marine Gauthier "Methods for bulk and single-cell RNA-seq data analysis in vaccine research", co-directed by Boris Hejblum and Rodolphe Thiébaut, from Sept 2018.

  • PhD in progress : Soufiane Ajana "Comparison of linear and non-linear machine learning approaches to predict Age-related Macular Disease (AMD) risk in a survival framework", co-supervised by Boris Hejblum and Hélène Jacqumin-Gadda (Inserm) and Cécile Delcourt (Inserm), from Sept 2016.

  • PhD in progress: Perrine Soret, Modélisation de données longitudinales en grande dimension, from Oct 2014, directed by Marta Avalos.

  • PhD in progress : Wenjia Wang "Modèle de Rasch", co-directed by Daniel Commenges with Mickael Guedj CIFRE Pharnext, from Oct 2015.

  • PhD in progress : Edouard Lhomme, Analyse des déterminants de la réponse immunitaire post-vaccination dans des stratégies vaccinales expérimentales, from Oct 2016, directed by Laura Richert.

  • PhD in progress : Hadrien Lorenzo, Analyses de données longitudinales de grandes dimensions appliquées aux essais vaccinaux contre le VIH et Ebola, from Oct 2016, co-directed by Rodolphe Thiébaut and Jérôme Saracco.

  • PhD in progress : Louis Capitaine, Random forests for high dimensional longitudinal data, from Oct 2017, co-directed by Robin Genuer and Rodolphe Thiébaut.

  • PhD in progress : Madelyn Rojas Self-management of injury risk and decision support systems based on predictive computer modelling. Development, implementation and evaluation in the MAVIE cohort study, from Oct 2017, (Injury Epidemiology team, Inserm U1219, ED SP2) co-directed by Emmanuel Lagarde, David Conesa and Marta Avalos.

  • PhD defense on Oct 30 2018: Chloé Pasin, Modeling and optimizing the response to vaccines and immunotherapeutic interventions: application to Ebola virus and HIV, from Sep 2015, co-directed by Rodolphe Thiébaut and Francois Dufour.

  • PhD defense on Dec 13 2018: Laura Villain "Modélisation de l'effet du traitement par injection IL7", co-directed by Daniel Commenges and Rodolphe Thiébaut, from Oct 2015.

  • PhD defense on Nov 16 2018: Mélanie Née Recherche et caractérisation de profils attentionnels : mieux comprendre la place de l'attention dans la survenue des accidents de la vie courante, from Oct 2015, co-directed by Emmanuel Lagarde, Cédric Galéra (from the research center Inserm U1219) and Marta Avalos.


  • Mélanie Prague was involved in the PhD defence jury of Steven Sanche (university of Montreal).

  • Mélanie Prague is a member of the follow-up dissertation comity of 3 PhD students: NICOLO Chiara, Sébastien Benzkcry's PhD student (Inria Bordeaux Sud-ouest, MONC team), Marie Astrid METTEN, Jean-Francois Viel's PhD student (Universty rennes 1 Inserm U1085) and, Jonas BEAL, Sebastien Latouche's PhD student (Institut Curie Paris).

  • Mélanie Prague took part in the recruitment commission Inria CR Bordeaux and a postdoc recruitment commitee in an European project at Pau university.

  • Marta Avalos is a member of the follow-up dissertation comity of 3 PhD students: Allison Singier (Pharmacoepidemiology team, Inserm U1219, ED SP2), Alexandre Conanec (Statistics, IMB, ED MI), Delphine Canzian (Education sciences, ED SP2).

  • Marta Avalos was involved in the PhD defence jury of Mélanie Née (University of Bordeaux).

  • Rodolphe Thiébaut took part in the HDR committee of Marta Avalos and the PhD defence jury of Vincent Madelain, Chloé Pasin and Laura Villain.

  • Daniel Commenges took part in the PhD defence jury of Laura Villain.

  • Laura Richert, Rodolphe Thiébaut, Robin Genuer, Boris Hejblum and Marta Avalos participated to the juries of Master in Public Health (Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Public Health)

  • Edouard Lhomme and Laura Richert participated to the juries of medical thesis defenses, Medical School of Bordeaux University