Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

  • Inria and Orange Labs have established in 2015 a joint virtual research laboratory, called I/O Lab . We have been heavily involved in the creation of the laboratory and are actively involved in its operation (Jean-Bernard Stefani is one of the two co-directors of the lab). I/O Lab focuses on the network virtualization and cloudification. As part of the work of I/O Lab , we have cooperated with Orange Lab, as part of a cooperative research contract funded by Orange, on defining architectural principles and frameworks for network cloud infrastructures encompassing control and management of computing, storage and network resources.

  • With Daimler (subcontracting via iUTBS): We have proposed, in collaboration with TU Braunschweig, an extension of the LET paradigm  [50], called System-level LET, to accommodate the specific needs of the design process in the automotive industry, in which the network structure must be made explicit in the LET program.