Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
"rQUACO" is the first meeting funded by the ANR QUACO. This 3 days workshop of quantum control gathers 25 physicists and mathematicians in September in Besançon and was co-organized by N. Boussaïd (UBFC Besançon), T. Chambrion (U. Lorraine) and S. Sugny (UBFC Dijon).
Member of the Organizing Committees
Xavier Antoine was a member of the scientific committee of ECT2018, The 10 International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Barcelona, Spain, 4–6 September 2018. He was also a co-organiser of the workshop on Mathematical and Computational Methods for Quantum Systems, CRM Montréal, 11-14th December 2018.
Thomas Chambrion was a member of the organizing committee of rQUACO, which took place under the framework of the ANR QUACO;
David Dos Santos Ferreira was a co-organizer (with Laurent Thomann) of the ”Journées EDP” (Obernai, June 2018);
Julien Lequeurre and Alexandre Munnier were co-organizers of the JEF “Journées Jeunes Edpistes” (Mars 2018, Nancy
Julie Valein was a member of the organizing committee of the meeting “Contrôle et dynamique des EDP", which took place under the framework of the ANR ISDEEC, ( 28–30 March 2018,
Member of the Editorial Boards
Xavier Antoine is associate editor of “Multiscale in Science and Engineering” (Springer) and “International Journal of Computer Mathematics” (Taylor and Francis);
David Dos Santos Ferreira is member of the editorial board of “Mathematical Control and Related Fields”;
Jean-Claude Vivalda is a member of the editorial board of the “Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems”.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Jean-François Scheid is reviewer for the “Applied Mathematics and Optimization” journal;
Jean-Claude Vivalda is reviewer for the “Mathematical reviews”.
Invited Talks
Xavier Antoine was invited to give a talk to
the mini-symposium ”Waves and computation”, Hong-Kong, 4-7 June, 2018;
the workshop ”Méthodes numériques multi-échelles et/ou géométriques pour les équations de types cinétique ou Schrödinger,”, Rennes, 12-15 June 2018;
the workshop ”Modern Numerical Methods in Quantum Mechanics”, 27-29 June 2018, Gdansk, Poland;
”Forum on Applied and Computational Mathematics”, July 22-23, 2018, Beijing CSRC.
Alexandre Munnier was invited to give a talk at the “Groupe de travail EDP of the IECL”;
Julie Valein was invited to give a talk at
the 14th Franco-Romanian conference on applied mathematics, (Bordeaux, Auguts 27–31 2018);
the conference “Analysis of PDEs : unique continuation, stabilization, control and dispersive properties”, in honour of Pr. L. Robbiano – IHP, Paris, November 5–9 2018 (one hour plenary exposition);
2nd DECOD Workshop (DElays and COnstraints in Distributed parameter systems) – Toulouse, November 21–23 2018 (45 minutes plenary exposition).
Jean-Claude Vivalda was invited to give a talk at the “Séminaires et journées d’Equations aux Dérivées Partielles“ in the maths laboratory of Versailles.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Xavier Antoine is the director of the maths laboratory IECL.
David Dos Santos Ferreira is one of the coordinators of the GDR “Analyse des EDP”. He is also the treasurer of the SMF (French mathematical society);
Julien Lequeurre is responsable of the “Séminaire EDP de l'Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine, site de Metz”
Julie Valein is co-responsable of the “Séminaire EDP de l'Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine, site de Nancy”.
Scientific Expertise
Julie Valein participated in a associate professor position recruitment committee at Université de La Rochelle and at Université de Bordeaux (April-May 2018).
Research Administration
Karim Ramdani is member of the board of the RNBM (Réseau National des Bibliothèques de Mathématiques) and is in charge of Open Access issues (with Benoît Kloeckner). Since October 2018, he is also member of the Working Group “Publications” of the national “Comité pour la Science Ouverte” of the french ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innivation.