Section: New Results

Flexible Framework for Elasticity in Cloud Computing

In 2018, in the domain of cloud computing, we proposed a new framework for managing elasticity. The main factor motivating the use of cloud is its ability to provide resources according to the customer needs or what is referred to as elasticity. Adapting cloud applications during their execution according to demand variation is nevertheless a challenging task. In addition, cloud elasticity is diverse and heterogeneous because it encompasses different approaches, policies, purposes, etc. In this work, three contributions are proposed: (1) an up-to-date state-of-the-art of the cloud elasticity for both virtual machines and containers, (2) ElasticDocker , an approach to manage container elasticity including vertical elasticity, live migration, and elasticity combination between different virtualization techniques, and (3) MoDEMO , a new unified standard-based, model-driven, highly extensible and reconfigurable framework that supports multiple elasticity policies, vertical and horizontal elasticity, different virtualization techniques and multiple cloud providers. These results have been obtained in the context of the PhD thesis of Yahya Al-Dhuraibi defended in December 2018.